Ball Band Upper-Back Toner

Stability Ball Back Exercises Hits: 2894

Primary Muscle Group: Upper back and upper arms

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Trapezius, Deltoideus, Teres Minor and Major, Rhomboideus and Latissimus Dorsi

Preparation: Sit on the ball and bend your torso forward to about 45 degrees. Place the exercise band under both feet. Cross the band so that your right hand grasps the left end of the band and your left hand grasps the right end of the band. Straighten your arms toward the floor and make sure that your palms face in.

Breathing: Exhale when raising arms up and out and inhale as you lower to start.

Execution: Grasping the band in the crossed pattern above, raise your arms up and out to the sides until they are level with your shoulders. Inhale and lower back to start.

Comments: This is a fun "twister" action that will tone your upper back and your upper arms.
