Illustration of back exercises using a cable machine.Great list of back exercises you can do using a cable pulley machine.

Supinated Lat Pulldown

A false underhand grip results in the easiest pulldown because the best angle of pull for your biceps. The closer your hands are to each other. The more the biceps are involved.

Neutral-Grip Lat Pulldown

Use either of the neutral-grip handles to put your arms in a stronger position. While you'll be able to use more weight, remember that your arms bear some of that extra weight. When you use the narrow grip, your chest also does some of the work. Keep in mind the extra muscle involvement, and don't make these neutral-grip movements the only back exercises you do.

Mixed-Grip Lat Pulldown

Use either of the neutral-grip handles to put your arms in a stronger position. While you'll be able to use more weight, remember that your arms bear some of that extra weight. When you use the narrow grip, your chest also does some of the work. Keep in mind the extra muscle involvement, and don't make these neutral-grip movements the only back exercises you do.

Just like it sounds: one hand over the bar, one under. The only advantage is the spice of variety.

Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown

Use either of the neutral-grip handles to put your arms in a stronger position. While you'll be able to use more weight, remember that your arms bear some of that extra weight. When you use the narrow grip, your chest also does some of the work. Keep in mind the extra muscle involvement, and don't make these neutral-grip movements the only back exercises you do.

A wider-than-shoulder-width false grip cuts your range of motion slightly but helps you feel the exercise more in your lats and less in your arms.



Illustration of wide grip lat pulldown. Illustration of machine lat pulldown exercise.


Unilateral Lat Pulldown

Use either of the neutral-grip handles to put your arms in a stronger position. While you'll be able to use more weight, remember that your arms bear some of that extra weight. When you use the narrow grip, your chest also does some of the work. Keep in mind the extra muscle involvement, and don't make these neutral-grip movements the only back exercises you do.

Use a stirrup handle to do your pulldowns one hand at a time. The movement will be more of an arc.