Exercises for your core you can do with a stability ball.Exercises for your core you can do with a stability ball.

Ball Side Lifts

Lie face down with ball under your hips. Bend your left knee and lift up towards your chest. Finish by extending and driving your left leg behind you. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Ball Side Lifts

Lie face down with ball under your hips. Bend your left knee and lift up towards your chest. Finish by extending and driving your left leg behind you. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Exercise Ball Crunch - Core ball exercises

Exercise Ball Crunch

Exercise Data
Main Muscle Worked: Abdominals
Other Muscles Worked: None
Equipment: Exercise Ball
Mechanics Type: Isolation

Exercise Ball Pull-In

Exercise Ball Pull-In

Exercise Data
Main Muscle Worked: Abdominals
Other Muscles Worked: None
Equipment: Exercise Ball
Mechanics Type: Compound