Printable Ab Workout

Printable ab workout you can do at home or at the gym. All abdominal routines are in pdf format.

10 Minute Ab Workout

Here's a great ab workout you can do in only 10 minutes. To make this workout effective, move swiftly between exercises without a rest period.

10 Minute Ab Workout

1. Crunches

How many: 25 reps

2. Side Crunches

How Many: 25 reps

Note: Make sure you do both sides!

Repeat this sequence 3 times without a rest period.

6 pack abs: Ab routine for the gym



Jog or walk for 10 minutes

Starting Position: - Sit on an exercise bench with your buttocks close to the end; place your hands 6 -12" behind your buttock grasping the side of the bench for support. Lean back to a 45 or 60 Degree angle. Placing your weight on your arms, extend your legs out until they are level with the floor