Great shoulder exercises you can do using a resistance band. Great shoulder exercises you can do using a resistance band.

Band Standing External Rotation

Primary Muscle Group: Shoulder

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Rotator Cuff

Preparation: Attach your band to a door anchor or suitable object at elbow height. Since you'll be using one handle, be sure to anchor the other end securely. Stand sideways to the anchor point with the band on the opposite side that you are working. Grasp the handle with your palm in and bend your arm at 90 degrees at the elbow. Keep your arm tight to your body and rotate your shoulder so your forearm is across your body.

Breathing: Exhale as you move your arm out to the side; inhale when returning your arm back to the side of your body.

Band Lying Internal Rotation

Primary Muscle Group: Shoulders

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Rotator cuff

Preparation: Anchor the band so it is just above your head. Lie flat on your back and grasp one handle with an underhand grip, bending your arm at the elbow, (be sure to anchor the other end of the band). Your arm should be 90 degrees to your body with your shoulder and elbow touching the floor. Slowly rotate your shoulder and allow your hand to move down toward the floor at head height as far as you can go without discomfort. If you feel pain, raise your hand away from the floor slightly.

Breathing: Exhale as you move your hand in the direction of your feet and inhale when returning to start.

Band Front Raise

Primary Muscle Group: Shoulder

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Deltoideus, anterior, middle and posterior parts

Preparation: Place the resistance band under the arches of both feet. Position yourself with feet hip-width apart and keep abdominal muscles tight. Take hold of the handles with an overhand grip and place your arms straight by your side.

Breathing: Exhale as you bring your arms up; inhale when returning to start position.

Band Lat Raise

Primary Muscle Group: This is a single joint exercise designed to isolate the muscles in the middle of the shoulder in a lateral arm elevation movement.

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Middle of shoulder (medial deltoid).

Preparation: Place the resistance band under the arches of both feet. Position yourself with feet hip-width apart and in the correct standing exercise posture. Keep abdominal muscles tight. Take hold of the handles with an overhand grip, palms facing inward and arms straight by your side.

Breathing: Breathe out as you bring your arms out to the side.

Ball Band Upright Row

Primary Muscle Group: Upper back and shoulders

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Deltoideus, anterior and middle parts, Trapezius, Superior, middle and inferior parts

Preparation: Sit tall on the ball, keeping your back straight. Place the exercise band under your feet and grasp in both hands. Fully extend your arms and hands near your knees.

Breathing: Exhale as you raise your elbows and inhale as you lower to starting position.

Execution: Raise your elbows towards the ceiling, keeping your hands near your chin. Your back should be straight and your shoulders relaxed. Inhale and lower to start.

Comments: This will really sculpt your upper shoulder line. It also helps to firm your abs.

Band Shoulder Press

Primary Muscle Group: Upper chest, back of upper arms and Shoulders

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Pectoralis Major, Deltoideus (middle and anterior), Triceps brachii (medial and long heads), and Serratus anterior

Preparation: Place the resistance band on top of a Swiss ball or chair and position yourself so that you are seated on top of the band. Sit straight with shoulders back and abdominal muscles tight. Using an overhand grip, hold the handles of the band with your hands to the side of each shoulder at around shoulder height.

Breathing: Exhale as you extend arms up; inhale when returning to starting position.

Ball Band Overhead Press Advanced

Primary Muscle Group: Upper back and shoulders

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Deltoideus, anterior and middle parts, Trapezius, Superior, middle and inferior parts

Preparation: Sit on the ball and place the exercise band under both feet. Grasp the ends of the band and bend your elbows so that your hands are in front of your shoulders with your palms facing forward.

Breathing: Exhale to raise your arms, inhale to lower them to start.

Execution: Exhale and raise your hands above your head. Now, keep your right arm extended as you inhale and lower the left arm. Exhale as you raise your left hand over your head and inhale as your lower the right. You will have one arm extended overhead at all times. Remember to keep your shoulders relaxed and down. Inhale and lower back to start.

Comments: Because you're lowering one arm at a time, you'll work your shoulders twice as hard.

Band Reverse Flys

Primary Muscle Group: Upper chest and shoulders

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Pectoralis Major and anterior Deltoideus

Preparation: Attach the resistance band to a door anchor, or around a sturdy object, ensuring that it is positioned at shoulder height. Place your feet in a split stance with the band in front of you. Grasp the handles with your palms facing inward and arms extended at shoulder height. Maintain a slight bend in your elbows.

Breathing: Exhale as you bring your arms out to the side; inhale and return to start.

Ball Band Lateral Raise

Primary Muscle Group: Shoulders

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Trapezius, Deltoideus (anterior and middle)

Preparation: Sit on the ball, keeping your back straight, your abs tight and secure an exercise band under both feet. Grasp the band in both hands and fully extend your arms by your hips. Palms should be facing the ball.

Breathing: Exhale when raising arms, inhale when lowering to start.

Execution: Raise your arms out to the sides, palms facing down, until they are at shoulder level. Inhale and lower them back to start.

Comments: This will make your shoulders beautifully toned and shapely!