Weight loss articles

Fitness articles submitted by a variety of weight loss and diet experts.  Learn how to lose weight, tone muscles, build muscles, and reach your goals.

P90X Results Answer The Question "Does P90X Work?

So many slick, professional-looking infomercials seem to offer the world - almost the impossible - only to disappoint. Many people who view the infomercial for the P90X understandably then, ask the same question - Does the P90X really work or is it just over-hyped?

The feedback from people who have purchased and used the P90X system however, should help you rest easier.

First, you can be assured that your package will be delivered.

Nobody makes off with your hard-earned cash. The company delivers what the infomercial promised.

Also, there is no excessive, environmentally unfriendly wrapping to "bulk up" the product. A compact package will be delivered, consisting of several DVDs and hard-copy manuals. The additional printed materials will help you to use the workout system effectively as well as quickly see optimum results by improving your diet.

Second, the video quality itself is very professional.

It is really not gimmicky or inferior in any way. Some people complain that Tony talks too much, the more so as your familiarity with the program increases. However there is a useful feature which will allow you to turn off the commentary and only hear instructions at the beginning of the exercise.

Third and very critical, the workouts themselves are effective when you work them faithfully.

You can be sure though, each P90X workout will stretch you. To be brutally honest, they are downright grueling.

This is not a lop-sided system that only pushes cardio, or just focuses on weight training. It is a well-developed, thorough program with a wide variety of routines - you are guaranteed not to be bored when working through the P90X System.

The consensus is then, Tony Horton's P90X Extreme Home Fitness System is a stimulating, tough workout system that is guaranteed to push you past your current fitness levels.

While there may be some obese individuals who have the gumption to stick with this grueling program long enough to see a favorable outcome, the P90 X will definitely push those who are already quite fit and want even better results, to that elusive level of fitness they are reaching for.

All in all, reviews including those at http://www.fitandtrimbody.com/p90x agree that, with persistence, the P90X routines will radically change your body and furthermore, they suggest that being dedicated to the P90X program will kick your fitness level up a couple of notches more effectively than anything else that is currently available.


About the Author

Read P90X Reviews, view what comes in the P90X system, see what others are experiencing and obtain some great deals on the P90X at http://www.fitandtrimbody.com/p90x

Strength Training Programs For Women

Weight training is a very effective way for women to burn off the fat. It becomes more powerful in combination with a low calorie diet intake. The growth of the new muscle will help to burn more calories.

It is genuinely crucial to have a balance diet because the body could retaliate by storing more fat and shrink the muscle. This would defies the entire purpose of weight training.

Studies shows that weight training not just help you to lose fat but also could help your heart just like aerobic or other cardiovascular exercise.

Women's Weight Training

Anybody specially women who are serious about losing fat by weight training should have a workout training plan. Don't be betrayed by an belief that weight training would make large muscles to your body and make you look like Lou Ferigno.

Far from looking like Mr Universe, in fact weight training for women creates a solid muscle fibre with less fat content. Since women are biologically designed to have less muscle mass than man, therefore weight training will bring out the natural lovely feminine curve in you.

Be cautious not to get on the weighing machine so quickly after you got involved with weight training. You might find that you do not lose weight compared to before. Your weight is still the same if not more. This is actually good news because muscle actually weight more than fat.

What this means is that you actually lose some fat but develop more muscle. You probably cannot tell yet but after a while your body will tell and you will find that you could fit into clothes and dresses that are a few sizes smaller.

Finally what really matters to you when becoming devoted to women's weight training is to get rid of that stubborn fat and shape up into a real you with the nice curvy feminine muscle.


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If you want to lose some ugly fat and acquire nice muscle you have to check this report on weight fat loss and fitness for women you will also find plenty of free resources on bodybuilding, weight loss, exercise and fitness here. Grab a totally unique version of this article from the Uber Article Directory

Superfoods-Part 2 of the world top twenty !

Most fruits are healthy and good for you but one of the best weighs in at number 11. It's the simple blueberry. Great tasting but a fantastic superfood as well.

11.The Blueberry: this little fruit is packed full of antioxidants which protect the eyes and cardio-vascular system. They also have anti-cancer properties. The antioxidants are also found in abundance in blackberries and bilberries. Eat them all in smoothies, in fruit salad or just on their own. Fantastic !

12. Goji Berries: at number 12 it's the goji berry. Is there anything that this great berry doesn't do ? It's a fantastic superfood. Wait for it- it contains anti-ageing and anti-tumour properties, its packed with vitamin C, antioxidants, selenium, zinc and calcium . Goji berries are also high in omega which are needed for the efficient working of the nervous systems and the brain. They also taste fantastic with cereal, yogurt, as a smoothie, in muesli or just on their own.

13.Sauerkraut: At 13 its raw sauerkraut. Sounds disgusting but this food even increases your libido- wow more sex as well !! This superfood is rich in vitamin C and has been used in the past to treat constipation. I have to admit this is the only superfood I haven't tried but I soon will.

14.Oregano: The herb oregano is rich in antioxidants, so rich that it has the most of nearly any food. This herb is great for improving digestion and the immune function. It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Add it to stews and soups but make sure its after cooking or you'll lose all its goodness.

15.The raspberry: At 15 its one of the world's most eaten superfoods- the humble raspberry. These are high in fibre and folic acid as well as containing ellagic acid which has been proven to have anti-cancer properties. Create a fruit salad for a real superfood treat !

16.The carrot : At 16 it's the humble carrot, loved by humans and by rabbits ! These contain antioxidants such as zeaxanthin and lutein which protect against cancer but are also great for protecting the lungs, the eyes and skin. 17.Turmeric weighs in at number 17. Stacked full of curcumin which contains antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

18.Sea veggies- these are alkalizing and detoxifying and are so powerful that they only need to be taken in small quantities. They contain calcium, iron and iodine in higher quantities than land plants. a great superfood though perhaps not as familiar as other superfoods.

19.Slippery Elm tea - this can help assist recovery from stress related disorders, from surgery, inflammation and gastro-intestinal disorders. To gain real benefits you need to drink 2-3 cups a day. and drink consistently- all superfoods need to be in your system.

20.Water - so why is water in the top twenty list ? Because you need water for efficient brain function, circulation, digestion, stamina, healthy skin- in fact every bodily function that you can think of. So drink plenty of it !!

So that's it the world's top twenty superfoods. Most are cheap, most are easily available so be sensible and grab a superfood not a burger ! Become a superfood addict and live longer and healthier


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Don't stop visiting diet websites until you've visited this one. Great information and a free newsletter.Visit this great diet site.

Pilates – Benefits of Pilates

Pilates training is a good way of training your body, reducing the chances for injury.  By strengthening your entire body in unison it keeps your strength balanced throughout your body.  Pilates offers many benefits to anyone who trains with it.  Pilates training offers many exercise variations.  


There are many places you may take Pilates classes.  Just contact your local gym to find out when you may take a class.   To find out good ordering training manuals online so you can do the Pilates exercises in the privacy of your own home.  Just purchase you a good pilate machine at a sporting good store.    

Low Carb Dieting: How to lower your carbs properly

The human body required at least 50-60% carb intake to maintain it’s energy level.  Many individuals unfortunately lower their carbohydrates serverely to lose weight.  This is not the proper way to lose weight.
There are many foods that you may enjoy while on a low carb diet.   If you enjoy eating meat you will love may consume beef, chicken and other animal products.  Instead of cutting all of your carbohydrates out of your diet try lowering your fat intake instead.  Eating fruits is a good way to intake your carb intake without the fat intake.  The real key to losing weight is keeping your fat intake under 30%. 

Cellulite Reduction: How to Lose Cellulite the Correct Way

Many individuals are wasting money on cellulite reduction procedures. These procedures alone with many other drastic measures are the lazy way to lose cellulite. While a small percentage of people may need this type of surgery, too many individuals are using surgery as the answer to their cellulite problems. Here are a few cheap and effective ways to get rid of cellulite.

Fat burning activities combined with proper eating helps reduce cellulite. Fat burning activities include walking, jogging, and tennis. Strength training is also necessary to build muscle firmness.
For those who are out of shape or have problems with your joints water activities might be the safest alternative for you - This is an alternative for those with true joint problems, not those making excuses to avoid jogging.

Walking in water can be an effective fat burning exercise. Water exercises are less stressful on the joints than traditional exercise options. Begin by getting into the water about waist deep and then start walking as fast as you can. Keep your arms bent at your side and pumping as if you were power-walking down the sidewalk. For the best results you should do this activity for around 45-60 minutes three to five times a week. You may add resistance by walking in deeper water or adding weights. Make sure to use weights made for use in the water. You may also incorporate upper body movements to your routines as well.

After you complete your 45 minutes routine, cool down and stretch. A good workout in the water can be an effective way to lose fat if done correctly and with intensity.

How to workout with a busy schedule

Even with a busy schedule you should find time to workout. Working out has several benefits for your body and mind. Exercising increases your energy levels allowing us to be more productive at work and home. Working out reduces stress, decrease health problems, and increase self esteem.

With all the benefits of working out you should find the time to workout even with a busy schedule. There are several ways to fit working out into your busy schedule. There are several tips to fit exercising into your day.

An earlier start to your day allows enough time for a short workout. Try waking up 30 minutes earlier on some days to get in a short intense workout.

Walking or a light jog during a break at work is a good way to burn calories. Warning: This is only good in addition to a real workout program. Walking on your break will not get you a great body.

* Hit a nearby gym during your lunch hour. You can get a 30 minute or 45 minute workout on your lunch if you have some flexibility on your lunch hour.

* If you have kids design a home workouts or find gyms with day cares centers.

* Put down the remote control for one hour and workout. Try taping or just missing that one hour of tv to workout. Most people complain about lack of time manages to watch hours of television.

* Find a set of workout videos that you enjoy. Keep them in a place where you will see them often, and make it a point to work out whenever you have some free time. This works well if you have a highly unpredictable schedule. Just remember to shoot for at least three good workouts at the least.

Having a busy schedule is usually an excuse for those who really don't have the desire to lose weight. If you take losing weight or improving your body serious enough you will find 4 to 5 hours out of an entire week to workout.

How to make the treadmill fun

If you would like to add a little fun and variety to your treadmill workout try different ways to use the treadmill. By changing your treadmill workout you may get more enjoyment and increased results. Here are a few ways you may spice up your treadmill workout routine.

Watching your favorite movie or listening to your favorite songs is a great way to add excitment up your treadmill workouts. Music can give you extra energy to move faster and jog longer.

Interval walking/jogging. Jog as long as you can until you are tired then walk to recover for a few minutes. Challenge yourself by resting less time each time.

Circuit Training. Treadmill workouts can benefit greatly by adding circuit training into the mix. You can make the workout more interesting by doing other exercises in between your treadmill movements.

Stretching. Stretching exercises are also a great addition to treadmill workouts. Stretching is a favorite for many people because it feels good! After you successfully complete ten minutes of treadmill walking, get off your machine and treat yourself to five minutes of stretching exercises.

Run on the treadmill next to someone Having a partner next to you can help motivate you to go further in less time.

Heart Rate Training. Use a heart rate monitor during your treadmill workouts and cycle in and out of different heart rate zones for two minute intervals. Heart Rate Training workouts should last no longer than 20 or 30 minutes and should only be done 2 or 3 times per week.

These are just some ideas to make your treadmill workouts more fun and interesting. The possibilities of what you can do are endless.


The Importance of Food Enzymes and Why You Must Preserve Them

I would recommend the following as a guide to preserving the enzyme potential and placing less of a burden on the digestive system as well as the rest of the body.

Do not eat more than you need to. Eating too much puts a huge burden on the digestive resources.

Eat less high calorie foods containing sugar and fat. Eat less refined foods and man made foods. Increase intake of raw fruits and vegetables.

Avoid foods which you like but you know don't agree with your digestive system.

Look at the principles behind food combining, where concentrated starches and protein are separated. This eases the digestive burden.

Make sure you drink enough water. A good amount is half a pint about thirty minutes before meals. The digestive process requires water. The metabolic enzymes function more efficiently with water.

By taking all these measures, enzymes will be preserved, the digestive system will have a great load taken off it, and every cell in the body will have its burden eased.


About the Author

The author manages an holistic medicine website for London, England. It includes london osteopathy and london psychotherapy plus a number of other therapies as well as articles on nutrition.

Food Enzymes For Health & Vitality

I would recommend the following as a guide to preserving the enzyme potential and placing less of a burden on the digestive system as well as the rest of the body.

Do not overeat. Just eat enough to satisfy you.

Eat less high calorie foods containing sugar and fat. Eat less refined foods and man made foods. Increase intake of raw fruits and vegetables.

Avoid foods which you like but you know don't agree with your digestive system.

Consider combining your foods so that concentrated starches and proteins don't mix at the same meal. This takes away much of the effort of digestion.

Drink plenty of water. Ideally drink half a pint of water about half and hour before meals. Water is important in the digestive process and helps metabolic enzymes function more efficiently.

By taking all these measures, enzymes will be preserved, the digestive system will have a great load taken off it, and every cell in the body will have its burden eased.


About the Author

The writer manages an holistic medicine website for London, UK. It encompasses london osteopathy and london psychotherapy plus many other therapies as well as articles on nutrition.

Realistic Ways To Get Rid Of Cellulite

Luckily, the best part is you don't need to spend a lot of money on cellulite reduction procedures. You can say no to liposuction and any other drastic measure you might be thinking about. While some widely available treatments will work when you first use them, you typically will need to continue using them for lasting results.

Fat Burning Activites Combined With Eating Right Can Help Reduce Cellulite

Most any fat burning tactic can help you improve your condition such as walking, jogging and tennis. Strength training is also necessary to build muscle firmness and smooth out the skin's appearance. However, for those with joint issues or previous injuries a different approach to working the legs may be required.

If think you're out of shape or have problems with your joints, water activities might be the safest alternative for you - and they can help get rid of that cellulite on your legs. Here's an example of a possible workout:

Walking in water - this type of exercise is deadly to those cottage cheese thighs but is less harful to the joints than traditional exercise options. You're less likely to injure yourself which will result in more frequent and pleasurable workouts. Begin by getting into the water about waist deep and then start walking as fast as you can. Keep your arms bent at your side and pumping as if you were power-walking down the sidewalk.

To protect your feet and keep them more comfortable, look at buying a pair of water shoes. Try to do this activity for around thirty minutes two or three times a week. At the point when your workout feels easy, look at adding leg weights or walking in deeper water. Look for the type of weights made just for use in the water and consider incorporating an upper body segment to your routine as well.

Once you're finished with your walking workout, swim around a bit as a cool down and stretch. If you've been wondering how to get rid of cellulite and enjoy the water too, you'll find this a fun way to workout and reduce cellulite at the same time.


About the Author

What is the relationship between cellulite and caffeine? Find out the best ways to get rid of cellulite and look great.

Quit Smoking the Easy Way

You're the only one that knows what it's like to experience and fight with your cravings. The cravings may very well feel like something nobody else can understand.

3 Food Groups That Are Vital For Muscle Growth

Build muscle with these 3 major food groups in you diet

#1 - High Quality Protein

High quality protein is easily absorbable and is available in foods like lean red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, skim milk, cottage cheese, peanuts and whey. Protein repairs and builds muscles that are damaged. It also plays a major role as a nutrient for people who are increasing their lean mass.

9 Core Strength Training Focus Points

The wonderful thing about these muscles is that they are placed so closely together and some of them are even placed one behind the other in a layered fashion. When all these are worked on properly with the right exercise program you will get an amazing core. No doubt about it. But the question is when?

Anxiety - Your Minds Response to Memory

Learning about both triggers and behaviors are key to your success. Without identifying them or learning to manage your anxiety levels, you can have serious problems.  Not only does anxiety and stress cause heart attacks, high blood pressure and ulcers it can also cause other things you may not think of. For example, chronic headaches, acne, teeth grinding, and make you more prone to illness such as a cold or flu. Your personal life can be affected as well. Your abilities to manage a family crisis, reach goals and perform well are work are also diminished.

The Fastest Way To Build Muscle Does Not Take A Lot Of Time

Why? Because we have been conditioned to believe it can't be done. For us, there is just no way to complete an effective workout within such a short time frame, whether we stick to the fastest way to build muscle or not.

Nordic Track Treadmill

Another top feature Nordic offers to its users is that when you find an ideal workout program from the internet, you can also download it directory to your Nordic track treadmill, using a computer. As an assurance that their product is of the topmost quality, they have bundled a complete three-year warranty for the drive motor. The treadmill parts also boast of a two-year warranty and a one whole year warranty on the labor. It is quite an assurance indeed that when you get oneyou are getting a good bargain.

Treadmills - Exercise Treadmill - ProForm Treadmills

The Proform warranty should certainly be a consideration when making your treadmill choice. It is all too easy to assume that your new piece of fitness equipment will not require replacement parts, but the track history of Proform

A Review of the Smooth 5.45 Treadmill: Rated a Best Buy

A lot of people ask me why a treadmill like the Smooth 5.45 can be offered for such an affordable price. The answer is in the bottom line. Smooth Fitness doesn't deal with middlemen or retail stores. They only offer their machines online. Cutting out the overhead that is involved with brick and mortar businesses gives Smooth Fitness an advantage and customers love it. Smooth Fitness brings upscale machines to the marketplace at affordable prices.

Workouts For Beginners

Keep your workouts short to begin with so you don't tax your body to much. You should enjoy getting exercise and helping to stay healthy. Don't exert yourself to the point where you are out of breath or your muscles are getting weak or you will find yourself sore the day after, which will not add to the enjoyment of your new exercise regime.