Salmon Rolls with Raisins and Celery

Salmon Rolls with Raisins and Celery

Ingredients :

1/2 lb salmon fillet
4 celery sprigs
2 spoonfuls raisins
2 leeks
1/2 lb milk cream
2 spoonfuls mustard with seeds
1 glass white wine
Salt and pepper to taste


We soak the raisins in the white wine. The celery is cleaned of fibers, cut into short sticks and set in boiling water for ten minutes. The leeks with which the salmon will be wrapped are cleaned and cut into pieces approximately 12 cm long. We make incisions along one side of each piece down to the middle to separate the leaves and then also add them to boiling water for 10 minutes until they soften. We open the salmon fillet and make a thin slice.
In a sheet of aluminum foil we arrange in layers, first the leeks, then the salmon, and then spread the raisins and celery on top. We salt and pepper to taste and wrap tightly into a roll. The rolls are lowered in boiling water for 20 minutes. For the mustard sauce we warm the milk cream and mix in the mustard. We lower the heat and stir regularly until the mix sets. When the rolls have cooled we cut them in slices and serve them with the sauce. This is an appetizer served hot or cold.

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