How to make the treadmill fun

If you would like to add a little fun and variety to your treadmill workout try different ways to use the treadmill. By changing your treadmill workout you may get more enjoyment and increased results. Here are a few ways you may spice up your treadmill workout routine.

Watching your favorite movie or listening to your favorite songs is a great way to add excitment up your treadmill workouts. Music can give you extra energy to move faster and jog longer.

Interval walking/jogging. Jog as long as you can until you are tired then walk to recover for a few minutes. Challenge yourself by resting less time each time.

Circuit Training. Treadmill workouts can benefit greatly by adding circuit training into the mix. You can make the workout more interesting by doing other exercises in between your treadmill movements.

Stretching. Stretching exercises are also a great addition to treadmill workouts. Stretching is a favorite for many people because it feels good! After you successfully complete ten minutes of treadmill walking, get off your machine and treat yourself to five minutes of stretching exercises.

Run on the treadmill next to someone Having a partner next to you can help motivate you to go further in less time.

Heart Rate Training. Use a heart rate monitor during your treadmill workouts and cycle in and out of different heart rate zones for two minute intervals. Heart Rate Training workouts should last no longer than 20 or 30 minutes and should only be done 2 or 3 times per week.

These are just some ideas to make your treadmill workouts more fun and interesting. The possibilities of what you can do are endless.


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