Look and Feel Healthier and Younger

Nowadays, it is more important than ever to eat healthy. Certain healthy foods can help prevent heart disease or cause it. Healthy, wholesome foods can help you lose excess weight while junk foods cause you to get fat. Some foods nourish your hair and skin keeping them healthy and glowing while other foods don't, causing them to fall out sooner than they should. If you think genes are the only factor, consider this; your food choices and nutrition intake will cause some genes to activate while others lie dormant.

By incorporating certain changes to your daily diet, you can look younger while greatly cutting your risk for disease. As time goes on, your healthier food habits can lessen your chance of dependency on medications later in life and reduce health care costs.

Many of us know which foods to avoid, such as junk food. In fact, the more processed a food is, the less nutrition it may contain. The real question is - what can we eat? To get you going, here is a partial list of high nutrition foods to help keep you healthy and young.

Bananas are full of Vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and fiber. The high potassium can help regulate high blood pressure while other nutrients help strengthen your stomach lining against ulcers.

Barley has long been well known in the Middle East as a heart medicine. It can help reduce cholesterol levels and is full of antioxidants can help your body fight cancer. Dried barley grass is a healthy, green super-food used by many for it's high content of vitamins, minerals and proteins.

Beans are well-known to help regulate blood-sugar levels. They are high in protein and fiber, which may help reduce your cholesterol levels by as much as 10%.

Blueberries can work as a powerful antibiotic. They help keep infectious bacteria from attaching itself to the lining of your urinary tract, helping to prevent bladder infections.

Cinnamon has been shown to stimulate insulin activity so may be helpful for those with adult-onset diabetes. Other studies have proven that it may help prevent blood clots.

Chili Peppers help your blood flow freely through your circulatory system helping to lower the risk of stroke and heart attack. They contain capsaicin, a substance that fights inflammation. Capsaicin is currently used for pain relief from arthritis and even psoriasis. Fitness enthusiasts have long used chili peppers to help fight fat by speeding up metabolism.

Dates are full of fiber and minerals including calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, potassium, phosphorous and manganese. Dates also contain a natural aspirin.

Garlic has long been used to stimulate the immune system and kill off dangerous parasites. It is antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral, and helps your body eliminate toxic buildup including zinc and lead. The National Cancer Institute is studying garlic for it's anti-tumor properties.

Ginger helps to relieve nausea and pain caused from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers in Denmark have found it can block the effects of certain substances that cause inflammation of the brain, which leads to migraines. It also has been found to have a similar effect as aspirin does on the thinning of blood helping to prevent blood clots.

Parsley is a great source of antioxidants that help fight carcinogens, including those found in tobacco smoke. It has long been known to cleanse the body by absorbing toxins and helping to move them out of the body.

Teas, especially green teas, are loaded with polyphenols, which help protect from free radical damage. Just 2 cups a day may lower a woman's risk of ovarian cancer by up to 46%. And it helps reduce belly fat.

It is easy to add these power foods to your daily regimen. Don't fall into the trap of disbelief or thinking they aren't powerful - there is a reason why Hippocrates called for all doctors to advocate food as medicine.


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Find out how to stay healthy and younger, check out the springclean-cleanse free health newsletter, also learn how to colon cleanse free.

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