How to avoid Gym rage

By performing one set to muscular failure and moving on will free up the machines for use by the next person.

� Wipe the machines down after use, try not to leave your sweat on the piece of equipment you have just used, use a towel to separate yourself from the machine while you make use of it and wipe it down thoroughly after use.

� Don't drop the weights onto the ground and don�t clang them loudly as this is very off-putting to the other members. Make sure you return the weights to there correct place on the racks when you're finished with them even though you might have found them lying on the floor.

� One thing you don't want to do is constantly ask people if they've finished using a machine when they're obviously still exercising on it. If anything the trainee will try to sit on it longer just to annoy you. Be patient; don't interrupt them while they are lifting, wait until they finish their set first.

� A gym isn't a social club don�t stand around in large groups chatting especially if you have a machine in use, do your talking in the locker room or at reception.

� Don�t leave your towel or other personal items lying around on a bench or piece of equipment if you are not using it. Leave your training space as clean as the way you found it. If the equipment is unattended for more than five minutes go ahead and use it, but be prepared to share also, let people work in with you if the difference in weight is not too large.

Leave enough space around you so that other people can approach the weight rack and get the equipment they need.

� Don�t scream when you are going for that personal best lift, remember that the others around you are concentrating on their own work out to and don't need to hear you screaming out for attention. Exhaling loudly as you contract the muscles during your set is fine.

� Don�t hog the water fountain, only take a few mouthfuls of water and then move away, don�t fill up your huge water bottle with cold water and leave warm drinking water for the rest of the members.

� Follow the gyms code of conduct usually seen on the walls of the gym or fitness centre, if trainees are not following the code report it to management don�t take it into your own hands.

Do yourself a favour and put these simple steps to use the next time you are in the gym and you will be in for a much more pleasant experience.

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