Coenzyme Q10 And Heart Health

Coenzyme Q10 And Heart Health

By Alexander Holt

The heart is the most important muscle in our body, it's our life pump. It is one of the few organs that are expected to work continuously, without rest, for a lifetime.

The heart beats about 70 times a minute, 100,000 times a day and about 36 million times a year. It pumps the equivalent of 2,500 - 5,000 gallons of blood per day through approximately 60,000 miles (100,000 km) of blood vessels. During an average lifetime, the heart will beat more than 2.5 billion times.

Because of all that the heart muscle requires the highest level of energetic support at all times. And this is where Coenzyme Q10 comes into play.

We all get our energy from food. Food is eaten and than broken down into small pieces called glucose. The blood carries the glucose to every cell in the body, where it is broken down further, releasing energy into the cell.

Coenzyme Q10 is a substance that is involved in the production of energy in cells. Its main function is to carry electrons that are needed in the energy generation process. It is found in high concentrations in tissues and organs that require a lot of energy. And because the heart requires huge amounts of energy, CoEnzyme Q10 plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy heart.

Current research shows that heart disease may be connected to insufficient levels of Coenzyme Q-10. When deficiency occurs the heart may be the most affected organ, which can lead to some serious problems.

Coenzyme Q-10 is found naturally throughout the human body. Small amounts of it are obtained through the foods we eat (the richest sources are meat, poultry and fish), but the majority is created directly by the body.

The typical daily dietary intake of this compound is only about 2-5 mg, which is far below the amount needed for optimum health. Aging and illness deplete the body's stores even further. At the age of 50 we produce half the amount of CoQ10 as we did when we were 20.

Although CoQ10 is available from foods, it is difficult to obtain enough of it from diet alone, especially in our later years. However, it can be taken as a supplement.

Supplementing CoQ10 has many health benefits such as strengthening the heart, improving the immune system and lowering blood pressure. Increasing levels of coenzyme Q10 give cells in the heart the ability to make more energy for pumping blood, which increases strength and output capacity.

CoQ10 is also one of the most potent antioxidants known. It plays a key role in treatment of cardiovascular illnesses, including congestive heart failure. It can also help with a number of other diseases such as diabetes, kidney failure, migraine, Alzheimer's disease, and more. Some doctors recommend it after heart surgery to speed recovery.

To maintain cardiovascular health and provide your body with sufficient quantities of Coenzyme Q10, check out Coenzyme Q10 Supplement. Click here to find more Supplements For Healthy Heart.

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