Treadmill Procedure

Here's how to do your treadmill workout session the right way. These three steps already put some variety into your exercise routine which improves the motivation factor:

Warming Up -Start your workout at a walking speed of not more than 2 mph for the first two minutes. This will give you time to stretch your muscles and getting them warmed up. Alternate between putting weight on your heels for thirty seconds, followed by shifting your weight onto your toes for the next thirty seconds. Then increase your stride for the remainder of the warm-up period to help stretch the muscles. After a week or so you will get used to warming up at this pace and you might want to increase the speed of the warm-up workout to a light jog of 3 or 4 mph.

Increasing the Speed -Don't rush into things by working out at too fast a pace in the beginning. Maintain your level of exercise at least for a couple of weeks before you move on to the next level. You don't want to burn out by overworking your leg muscles and injuring them in the process.

Cooling Down - Don't just get off the treadmill after an extensive run and sit down somewhere to catch your breath. This type of "cool-down" is asking for trouble. Your muscles might cramp or worse. Always slow down the belt to the same speed you used for the warm-up period and let your heart rate return to normal while you keep running on the belt.

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