Easy Chicken Ravioli

Easy Chicken Ravioli

Ingredients :

6 oz Ground raw chicken or turkey
1 8-oz container soft-style
Cream cheese with chives
And onion
1/4 c Shredded carrot
20 3 1/2" wonton wrappers
1 tb Cooking oil
Marinara sauce or spaghetti
Sauce, warmed


Stir together chicken or turkey, cream cheese, and carrot in a medium
mixing bowl; set aside.
Place about 1 Tbsp of filling in the center of each wrapper. Brush
edges with water. Fold one corner over to the opposite corner,
forming a triangle. To seal, press edges together or use a pastry
Bring a large amount of water and the cooking oil to boiling in a
Dutch oven. Drop ravioli into the water. Reduce heat and simmer,
uncovered, for 3 to 4 minutes or till no pink remains in the chicken
or turkey. Remove ravioli with a slotted spoon. Drain on paper
towels. Divide ravioli among 4 serving plates. Ladle warm sauce over
To freeze, place uncooked ravioli in a freezer container; seal,
label, and freeze for up to 3 months. To cook frozen ravioli, drop
into boiling water as directed above, cooking for 5-6 minutes.

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