Diet Right For Weight Loss

Now that you know what doesn't work when it comes to weight loss, you're probably wondering what does. Quite simply, any diet you choose should be based on scientifically valid and healthy principles. In this chapter, I will lay out healthy diet principles and give you some real-life examples of how to put them into practice. Because the focus is on you - your eating habits, your goals, your weight loss - we'll end the chapter by revising your food diary based on what you've learned.

Healthy diet principles

Weight loss should be gradual. It should result from realistic changes in the way you eat rather than short but intense bursts of deprivation. A diet that works is a diet you can live with over the long term. That's the only way to ensure that the weight you worked so hard to lose stays lost.

If you don't already have one, go out and buy a calorie counter.

You'll find a wide selection in bookstores. Many supermarkets carry them on the racks near the cash register. Even though calorie counters are available on the Internet, having something you can carry around with you will be invaluable. Before you buy, look up a few of your favorite foods and see if they are listed. Try to find a counter that tells you the fat, protein, and carbohydrate content of each food in addition to the calorie count. Most calorie counters include many foods by brand. If you eat a lot of fast food, there are even calorie counters that specialize in that.

It goes without saying, however, that you should re-examine your habit of eating fast foods, which tend to be loaded with fat, salt, and other unhealthful ingredients.

For those serious about losing weight, fast foods are out.

Calories do count

The only way to lose weight is to take in fewer calories than your body needs for basic functions and daily activities. Yon know that already, right? You can do it by reducing the number of calories you eat. It's easiest to do this on a daily basis, but overeating one day can be corrected by eating less on subsequent days. You can do it by increasing your level of physical activity so you burn more calories A small increase every day is easier, and safer, than all-out effort once or twice a week.

The best way to lose weight is to combine reduced calorie intake with increased activity. And the best way to ensure that this becomes a lifelong habit is to make eating and exercise choices that fit your temperament, preferences, and schedule.

Cut the fat

Fat contains more than double the calories. of carbohydrate and protein. You simply get more for your (calorie) money when you tip the balance away from fats. Doing so is also much better for your health. Many fatty foods contain saturated fats, which increase levels of bad cholesterol. That puts you at risk for serious health problems. There are a lot of ways to reduce the fat in what you eat. You'll probably want to try them all.

Go the low-fat route

There are lower-fat equivalents for many foods. Substituting these for high-fat foods is an easy way to reduce the fat. For example, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cream cheese, and many other cheeses come in fat percentages ranging from four percent to zero percent. The calorie difference can be significant.

About the author:
Information packed E-Book and Bonus Recipe Books, offers the latest developments on holistic cures, practical nutrition tips, and useful information on weight loss, health problems and how to use Tahitian Noni Juice in preparing your meals.

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