Asthma and Weight

Some researchers have noted a relationship between asthma and a tendency to be overweight or obese, but the connection is not clear. It may be that children with asthma are not as physically active, either because their asthma is not under good control or because their parents limit their activity. It may be possible, however, that obesity is a risk factor for developing asthma. In either case, overweight or obese children and adolescents with asthma seem to have more problems not only with their asthma but also with other diseases.

Successful treatment of an overweight child or adolescent involves both moderate exercise and a nutritious diet. Running, bicycling, swimming, or even vigorous walking for twenty minutes three times a week-along with a diet that minimizes junk food can result in gradual, safe weight loss. Obesity is a medical condition itself and is best treated by a weight management program that is supervised by medical professionals.

Not every child is destined to be an athlete, but exercise is an important part of health maintenance for all young people. Children should be able to play and participate in sports without worrying about breathing. Controlling asthma will help your child enjoy an active, healthy lifestyle.

The doctors will put obese asthma patients on an intensive weight loss regime, including meal replacement drinks. Alternative treatment is a six-month, standard dietary advice programme.

Lung function measurements plus sputum and blood samples - to assess changes in immune function - will be taken before, during and after weight loss.

The study analyzed the relationship between weight and asthma control in 2,396 adult patients who participated in The Epidemiology and Natural History of Asthma: Outcomes and Treatment Regimens (TENOR) study. TENOR is a three-year, nationwide observational study of 4,700 people with severe or difficult-to-treat asthma.

Haselkorn notes that after taking into account other asthma control factors, including BMI, demographics, asthma duration and severity, and oral steroid use, patients who gained weight during the first year of the study were significantly more likely to have poor asthma control than patients who maintained a stable weight.

How to Eat Healthy: Eating healthy is a matter of making lasting changes in the way you eat, what you eat, and how much you eat. We have an entire site here at dedicated to healthy eating and nutrition, but here are some quick tips to help you get started with healthy eating habits:

* Eat more fruits and vegetables each day, five to seven servings
* Switch to whole-grain products
* Don't overdo it with the portions
* Drink plenty of water each day
* Limit the amounts of caffeine-containing liquids and alcoholic beverages
* Eat more fresh foods and less prepared, fried, processed and canned foods
* Limit high-fat and high-sugar foods

About the author:
Hgh facts, articles, and news on HGH, weight loss.

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