Fast Weight Loss And the Nutritional Plan That Makes it Happen For Fat Loss

Fast weight loss doesn’t have to be just a dream. You can make it happen. Still, while possible, it isn’t easy. It takes a very carefully designed approach to losing weight that quickly. You are walking a very fine line between creating a big enough calorie deficit that will inspire your body to burn the fat while eating enough to maintain your metabolism at peak levels. Moreover, the combination of macro-nutrients you eat has to be just right, or else you’ll be stuck with losing only those measly 1 or 2 pounds of fat a week, and that’s if you’re lucky. Or worse, you may end up losing muscle mass instead of the fat you want to get rid of!

So what kind of nutritional plan will it take to make fast weight loss a reality? One that forces your body to release fat. And how can that be achieved? By carefully controlling the primary fat storing hormone, which is insulin. Insulin is designed to help the body accumulate fat, and it also helps it hold on to whatever fat it already has. So it’s easy to see that insulin is bad news when it comes to fast weight loss. Simply said, it’s impossible to lose fat rapidly if your body makes too much insulin.

Now how do you keep your body from producing insulin? By avoiding food that stimulates insulin production. The foods that do that are essentially sugary and starchy foods. In fact, the Atkins diet and other low-carb diets work on that very principle, and while there has been quite a bit of controversy, it has become clear that low-carb diets do help people lose weight much more rapidly than the frequently touted alternative, the low-fat diet filled with carbs.

So in order to lose fat rapidly, it’s essential to maintain a low-carb eating plan. However, not just any low-carb plan will do. In fact, just how low in carbs it should be depends on how much exercise you’ll do during any particular day. More exercise means more carbs. Less exercise means less carbs. No exercise means no carbs other then those that occur naturally in very low carb food. Why more carbs on days you’ll exercise? To help you exercise harder, and to ensure that the exercise does what it’s supposed to do: help you lose fat fast.

Another problem is that many products out there claim to have hoodia ingredients, but are counterfeit. Genuine hoodia comes only from Africa - not Mexico or China or any other country. You should ensure the hoodia you are getting is licensed by the Western Cape Conservation Authority of South Africa. Hoodia is also a rare and protected plant, and the amount of the plant that can be exported from Africa is limited. Because the amount of plants leaving the country is small, some critics have said there isn't enough cultivated hoodia to really be in all the weight loss products that claim to contain it.

Additionally, many places are selling hoodia as a weight loss supplement in dried powder form, but the appetite-suppressing qualities of hoodia are only in fresh, large pieces of the plant.

What about fat? Yes, your diet should include fat. Ideally you’ll eat a variety of fats, including avocados, nuts, olive oil, and, yes, even butter. Be sure to avoid trans fats at all cost, however. And obviously, keep in mind that if you want to lose weight rapidly,

your diet needs to be not just low in carbohydrates but low in calories as well. So keep close tabs on the fat and use it wisely.

How much should you eat? The authors of Warp Speed Fat Loss, experts on fast weight loss, recommend that you should eat about 9 calories per pound of body weight. However, that number only works for your body weight if you have no more than about 20 pounds to lose. If you need to lose more weight, try to figure out what your weight would be if you wanted to lose only 20 pounds of fat, and use that. It’s also important to weigh yourself daily, and if the weight loss you achieve isn’t rapid enough for your taste (or too rapid), make adjustments accordingly.

About the author:
Fat loss for Idiots the truth revealed about fat loss 4 idiots. Read more on diet pills and truth about abs.

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