Losing Weight-Hard or Simple??

SO looking forward for loosing weight, so is it a hard job or a simple one. This article discusses the various techniques to lose weight and therefore you can decide for yourself whether it is simple or tough. There are a number of things that you can do to loose weight. Let us consider the following few steps:

1.The thing to startup with is by determining your daily calorie intake. The theory of loosing weight is simple, just burn more calories than you intake and you’ll loose weight. To begin you battle with it is a good thing that you know the exact figures of the number of calories you are consuming. First of all write down your daily calorie intake. Prepare a food journal to keep a count of the number of calories that you are consuming. If you are a food lover and cannot sacrifice your food then you can consult recipe books which have a lot of tasty recipes which are low on fat. Or you can search the net for calorie free recipes and also don’t forget to calculate the number of sugar full spoons that you add to your coffee and the butter you scoop of with bread or other food items.

Then secondly make an itemized list of your calorie intake. Buy a food chart that shows the number of calories in the food products it will help you a lot to determine your daily calorie intake then start off by reducing it. For instance if you take 3 spoons full of sugar for your coffee then reduce it to two and so on for your other food items as well that you consume throughout the day.

2. Prepare a list of your favorite food items and start reducing the intake of those which have the highest fat content. For instance if you are fond of burgers and grilled chicken then first you need to sacrifice your grilled chicken and then slowly and steadily burgers and so on till the time you diet is not full of healthy food items.

3. Replace unhealthy snacks by protein shakes and fiber rich food items. You can replace your egg muffin in your breakfast by oatmeal or sandwich with peanut butter. For lunch take something light like stew noodles or vegetables.

4. Plan your meals. You eating habits play a major role in shaping up your body. So plan you meals carefully and with a minimum gap of 4 hours between each meal.

Just follow these steps and I don’t think that they are too hard for the marvelous results they yield.

About the author:
Loseweightwithlida is a official website for lida, It is working only with large manufacturers in China and Japan. There are many fake products on the market, Lida deliver only authentic lida daidaihua and weight loss pills.

Article Source: http://www.Free-Articles-Zone.com

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