Weight Training and Safety

Weight training is very safe to perform when it is done under proper guidance in slow, careful and controlled manner. But the improper execution of weight training may lead to injury. When the exercise is difficult to execute at the end of the exercise set the tendency to use other muscle groups to assist the method is quite common. This might result in involvement of the weaker muscles that cannot bear the weight. This results in serious injuries. So weight-training exercises must be performed in a proper way under proper guidance.

Whenever a pain is felt during the exercise should be stopped. But all discomforts do not necessarily mean that there is injury. Weight training exercises should be brief and intense. Not many people can accustom them with weight training. The expression 'no pain, no gain' is quite apt here and it indicates working through the discomfort resulted from vigorous effort. But negligence of extreme pain is dangerous as this might be the sign of soft-tissue injury.

Muscle Fatigue in Weight Training

Discomfort during weight training can result due to other factors. The trainee who repeats the set of exercises again and again can experience burning sensations in their muscles. This is not resulted from lactic-acid build up, as is believed popularly. In these cases a sense of swelling in the muscles may also be experienced due to the increased blood flow. True muscle fatigue involves the motor unit of the nervous system rather than only the muscle fibers. Temporary muscle failure may result in extreme neural fatigue. Most of the athletes experience muscle failure during their career from time to time.

Safety Measures during Weight Training

To maintain the safety during weight training beginners are recommended to build up slowly during the weight training program. The individuals who do not take weight training might have comperatively stronger muscles than other. If the primary muscles are stonger than the stabilizing muscles in an exercise, this might result in injury. So slow building up is recommended as this help to develop the muscle strength as well as minimize the delayed onset of muscle soreness. A sudden start to a weight training program can lead ti significant amount of muscle soreness. Weight trainers should spend five to twenty minutes of warming up and aerobic exercises before the original workout to avoid injury. The muscles should also be stretched after the exercise. The exercises should be performed at even pace. At least two to four seconds are needed to avoid jerks in the muscle leading to their damage. This provides more safety during weight training.

About the author:
Read more on Weight training. Check out for nitric oxide review and weight training routines.

Article Source: http://www.Free-Articles-Zone.com

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