Your Health is Worth the Price of a Personal Trainer

America is getting fat. Statistically speaking, 64.5 percent of Americans aged 20 and above are currently overweight, and 30.5 percent are obese. These percentages are vastly higher than years passed. Many people have obesity related health problems and diseases such as type two diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and many others. Being overweight or obese also increases your chances of stroke and heart attack. You would think with all of these drawbacks, people would make an attempt to be healthy and stay in shape. But it seems that the opposite is happening. People are becoming more and more obese. A rise in fast food, processed sugars and inactive lifestyles can be part of the blame. People are working more, spending more time away from home and stopping for a quick bite on their way home. Before you know it, your jeans don’t fit and you’re short of breath when walking up a flight of stairs.

So how do you keep this from happening or get back to where you need to be after you’ve become part of the statistics? One answer is to ease into a diet and exercise plan. You don’t have to drastically change everything all at once. That can cause frustration and burnout if you don’t see the results you’re looking for right away. Some find that utilizing a personal trainer like Jillian Michaels helps.

Jillian Michaels isn’t your average personal trainer though. She’s one of the personal trainers on the reality weight-loss show The Biggest Loser. Jillian Michaels is a staunch advocate for helping people get into shape and get to a healthy weight. Although Jillian is a trainer on a reality show that has a final prize for the person crowned the Biggest Loser, she is truly committed to seeing people succeed at their weight loss goals. You might think you can’t afford a personal trainer, but utilizing their services is probably more affordable than you might think. When dealing with something as vital as your health, it’s a small price to pay. Although acquiring the services of Jillian Michaels personally might not be an option for you, she offers several services on her web site that will allow you to follow her programs.

If you find yourself searching for a way to lose weight, but don’t quite know where to start, there is hope. Personal trainers certainly offer a lot of expertise in this area. Most gym memberships come with a complimentary consultation with a personal trainer. They can easily set you up with an exercise plan that will help you reach your goals. As far as nutrition or dieting, it can be as simple as monitoring what you eat and cutting your calorie intake. Working out will help you burn calories as will cutting down the calories you consume. These things together can help get you the results you’re looking for. Losing weight of course requires hard work, but doing it correctly can keep you from jeopardizing your health.

About the author:
Jim Mackey has been advising people on how to lose those extra calories. If you want to know more about trainer Jillian Michaels of biggest loser and how to maintain a proper diet for weight lose you can visit

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