leg workout for women

sexylegs3.jpgIf you desire a sexy pair of legs, try this leg workout for women. Make sure you warm up for 5-10 minutes before beginning this workout and that you stretch each muscle group properly as directed. Maintain your pace throughout the entire workout with about 30 seconds rest in between sets.



Warm up for 1 minutes walking briskly.  After 1 minute, jog until you are to you are fatigued.    Walk briskly for 1 minute to recover. After 1 minute, continue jogging.  Repeat this sequence until you complete 10 minutes.


Your goal is to build endurance.  Eventually you will be able to jog most or the entire 20 minutes nonstop.  Every workout you should challenge yourself to jog a longer distance.  THE MORE YOU JOG THE MORE CALORIES YOU BURN.



Reps: 2 sets of 15

Execution: Position body on seat with back pressed against the back pad. Keep knees slightly bent and feet approximately shoulder width apart. Sit in good body alignment (abs tight, chest up, back straight). In a controlled motion, extend knees and push out. Keep knees in line with toes; avoid drawing knees in or out. While maintaining controlled motion, return to starting position (avoid locking out knees). Do not allow muscles to relax before next repetition.


Reps: 3 sets of 15

Execution: Adjust leg pad to contact lower shin just above the ankle. Adjust seat back to align knees with pivot point on machine. Sit in good body alignment (abs tight, chest up, back straight). Position legs to keep kneecaps on top. In a controlled motion, extend the knees by bringing feet forward and up just before knee lockout. Contract quad muscles fully without compromising form; avoid any hip movement. While maintaining the controlled motion, return to starting position without setting down the weight or relaxing the muscles.


Reps: 3 sets of 15

Adjust leg pad to contact lower leg just above the ankle. Adjust seat back to align knees with pivot point on machine. Sit in good body alignment (abs tight, chest up, back straight). Position legs to keep kneecaps on top. Lock top pad comfortably on quadriceps. In a controlled motion, flex the knees by bringing feet down and back as far as possible. Contract hamstring muscles fully without compromising form; avoid any hip movement. While maintaining the controlled motion, return to starting position without setting down weight or relaxing the muscles. Do not allow the knee to hyperextend.



Reps: 3 sets of 15

Sit placing feet on step and pad comfortably on the legs. Sit in good body alignment (abs tight, chest up, back straight). In a controlled motion, raise resistance up, lifting the heels, as far as possible. Contract calf muscles fully without compromising form. While maintaining the controlled motion, return to starting position. Do not allow muscle to relax before next repetition.



Reps: 3 sets of 15


Warm up for 5 minutes walking briskly.  After 5 minutes, jog until you are to you are fatigued.    Walk briskly for 2 minutes to recover. After 2 minutes, continue jogging.  Repeat this sequence until you complete 5 minutes.


Your goal is to build endurance.  Eventually you will be able to jog most or the entire 20 minutes nonstop.  Every workout you should challenge yourself to jog a longer distance.  THE MORE YOU JOG THE MORE CALORIES YOU BURN.

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