Illustration of bench press to help you do resistance training exercises.Find the best resistance workout for your body. A knowledge of various systems of resistance training is useful in helping you to overcome plateaus and optimize results. 

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Workouts routines using the single system method.Workouts using the single system method. Using single set workouts is a great way to workout for beginners. Using the single set system involves only one set per exercise. For beginners, this is a great way to learn the proper techniques for each exercise. It is also recommended for those looking for a time-efficient workout. An older adult is also a good candidate for this type of program. While you are learning, you also get the benefits of a resistance training program. For example, a good workout plan would be one exercise for each body part such as your chest, arms, legs and back. Single set workout routines are great for introducing yourself to the machines, and how to properly use gym equipment also. A good exercise in this type of program may have 8 to 12 repetitions and a rest time of a few minutes to properly understand the technique. Single set exercises should be the basic exercises for a particular muscle group that not difficult to learn. For example, an exercise for your chest would be the machine press. You should do this type of training a few days a week to get your body accustomed to the exercises. The intensity level should be low with you weight of less than 30-50% of your max weight. Rest should be around 2 to 3 minutes between exercises. They should also last about 20 to 30 minutes per workout. Only increase the intensity when are able to do more than 15 reps easily. There should also be around 48 hours between workouts. 


Learn how to increase your gains using cheat training. This technique involves performing a set of exercises to exhaustion, then performing a few more repetitions by breaking good form and allowing momentum and other muscle groups to assist. This not not a recommended form of training.  Only experienced individuals should try this.

Image of bicep curls using super slow training.Workout routines using the super slow training technique. This type of training, repetitions are performed very slowly; concentric contractions may take as long as 10 seconds to move through full range of motion. Once in the fully contracted position, there is a pause, and then a slow return to the starting position. 

This type of training keeps you from using your momentum to move the weight up and down. When you take 10-20 seconds to complete a full rep you use your muscles completely. This slower resistance helps to build muscle and endurance. Because of the intensity of this resistance program you will not be able to do as many reps per set. Only use this type of training once you get the basics of weight lifting understood. 

Some of the best exercises to try this super slow resistance plan. 

Barbell Curls   

Illustration of chest exercise using eccentric or negative training.Workout routines that feature the eccentric training technique. Similar to forced repetitions, this type of training emphasizes the "negative" or eccentric phase of the contraction. 

What are negatives? 

Eccentric training or negatives is an advanced weightlifting technique that helps you move past strength or endurance plateaus. Someone assist you to lift the weight usually at a slightly faster pace. After that, you slowly lower the weight and repeat. Since you can handle more weight lowering (eccentric phase) than lifting (concentric phase), you can increase your max. This technique causes significant soreness and is not for beginners.


Some of the best exercises to use negatives are: Bench press, Leg Extensions and leg curls. 

There are some other great exercises you can use negative training. 

Bench Press: Use a spotter to help you lift the bar off the rack. Slowly lower the bar to your chest and let the spotter lift the bar up and repeat. Do this until fatigue. You can also use a bench press machine to make this exercise safer.   

Leg Press: Use a spotter to help you push the sled up. Slowly lower the weight until your legs are at a 90% angle or at the eccentric phase. At this point ask your spotter to quickly move the weight back to the starting position and repeat. 

Negative Dips: Use your muscle power to lower yourself then jump up to the start after every repetition. if you can’t push yourself back up, do only the downward part of this exercise Lower yourself slowly, taking about five slow counts to complete the movement. 

Negative Push-up: Just do the lowering phase of this exercise. Slow the movement down and try to lower yourself in five counts.  

Benefits of Eccentric Training

Build muscle mass 

Increase strength 



Image of bench press using forced reps training.Increase your gains by using these forced reps workouts. Similar to the burn system, forced repetitions are those that are performed after a full set of range of motion exercises are completed to exhaustion. Forced repetitions, however, are assisted. 

What are forced reps? 

Forced repetitions are those that are performed after a full set of range of motion exercises are completed to exhaustion. Forced repetitions, however, are assisted. An individual or professional assist you to force out additional repetitions with good form and spotting technique.  Add an extra rep or two helps you push through strength and endurance plateaus. This type of training is great for bodybuilders or those looking to add muscle mass to their bodies. Beginners should not try this technique because of the stain on your muscles.  

Best exercises to use forced reps 

Some of the best exercises to use forced repetitions are the major muscle groups. 


Image of partial reps training.Workout routines using the partial reps training technique. After a set of full range of motion exercises are completed to exhaustion, partial range of motion exercises are performed, also to the point of exhaustion. Strict form must be maintained.

Image of a sample super circuit training workout.Workouts you can do using the super circuit training technique. This system is growing in popularity for group exercise classes. It alternates approximately three minutes of aerobic-type training with approximately one minute of resistance training for a particular body part. Several different stations of exercises may be used for the resistance training segments. 

(e.g., step aerobics, cycling, treadmill running) 

The difference in this an regular circuit training is the rest time. Instead of a short rest, you would perform 1 to 3 minutes of aerobic exercise between each station or resistance training exercise. The aerobics may include activities such as stationary cycling, jogging in place, rope skipping, stair climbing, bench stepping, and rowing. It also provides you with more increase in aerobic capacity than a regular circuit training routine would.


Workouts you can do using the circuit training technique. With this technique, you move quickly from one resistance training exercise to another with very little rest between sets. For the best results, we suggest tracking your workout results using a Fitness Log Journal.


With circuit workouts a number of exercises are performed back to back. They are performed in a set order, with a specific time or number of repetitions for each one, and rest periods are allotted between them.

Circuit training is great for burning extra calories in a short amount of time. Since they are more intense, training in this manor is very effective for losing weight or increasing your cardiovascular capacity or muscle endurance. Circuits are also great for increasing your muscular strength. 

When you are designing or choosing a workout routine be sure to remember the following: Although you are moving quickly, you should not sacrifice your form. Make sure you are doing the exercises correctly. Hustling between each exercise doesn’t mean rush the exercise.

You should also make sure you are not training the same section of your body on two consecutive exercises. If you feel lightheaded, take a break because this could be an indicator that your doing too much.  

Image of a good pre exhaustion training exercise.Workout routines using the pre exhaustion training technique. This technique simply means performing exercises that isolate large muscle first, prior to exercises that work both large and small muscles simultaneously.

Workout routines using the blitz training method.

     The Blitz training method isolates a single body part each day. This type of training allows your muscles to grow and build endurance faster.  

     This type of training system trains each muscle group intensely at every angle possible. 

     Below are some sample workout routines using the blitz training method. This intense system is a variation of the split routine.




Tri set workouts you can do at home or at the gym.


Image of a workout using tri set training techniques.

Image of a a workout using multiple set training.Workouts that you can do using the multiple set system. 

This system is also widely used, It consist of three to six sets of an exercise (usually with the same weight throughout). The ACSM (2010) stated that each set should be performed to the point of volitional fatique for each exercise. Multiple sets using periodization are recommended for serious athlets, powerlifters, and bodybuilders engaging in advanced strength training and hypertrophy programs. To optimize the strength gains of collegiate and professional athletes, and average of eight sets per muscle group is recommended.


Image of a sample giant set training workout.Performing giant sets is a great way to take to your workout to the next level. To do giant sets, you must choose 3 or more exercises and do them with little rest in between. To effectively do this type of training, you may need to lower the weight slightly. You also may want to rest a little more between exercises than supersetting.

Split workout sample routine in pdf format.Here's some sample split workout routines to help you increase muscle tone and sculpt your body. These workouts require you to go to a gym to complete them. Just click the links below to get a pdf sample.

For the best results, we suggest tracking your workout results using a Fitness Log Journal.




full body superset workout you can download and print.Superset workout routines you can do at home or at the gym. A superset is any combination of two different exercises immediately following one another without a rest. This may be repeated for several sets.

Interval training workout small poster you can download and printout.Great interval training workouts you can do at home or at the gym.

Pyramid training poster you can download and print.Workouts you can do using the pyramid training method.

Download pyramid training workout medium poster (17" by 11")