Great shoulder exercises you can do using a barbell.Great shoulder exercises you can do using a barbell.

Push Press

Start: Load the barbell with more weight than you would for the more traditional shoulder presses, and rest it on the fronts of your shoulder-through it will be the backs of your hands, not the bar itself, that actually touch your anterior deltoids. Keep your arms close to your body.

Finish: Bend your knees and lower yourself to the half-squat position, then immediately drive yourself u with your legs as you thrust the weight toward the ceiling until you are up on your toes and your arms are straightened above you. Slowly return to the starting position.

Push Jerk

Start: Load the barbell with more weight than you would for the more traditional shoulder presses, and rest it on the fronts of your shoulder-through it will be the backs of your hands, not the bar itself, that actually touch your anterior deltoids. Keep your arms close to your body.

Finish: Bend your knees and lower yourself to the half-squat position, then immediately drive yourself u with your legs as you thrust the weight toward the ceiling until you are up on your toes and your arms are straightened above you. Slowly return to the starting position.

Same as above, but step forward with one foot as you push the weight overhead. Step back, then lower the weight. Alternate feet either with each rep or with each set.

Reverse Shrug

Start: Grab the barbell with a full, overhand , shoulder-width grip, and stand with the bar at arm's length against your front thighs.

Finish: Shrug your shoulder straight up toward your ears, keeping your arms straight and your head still. Pause when your shoulders are as high as they can go, then slowly return to the starting position.

Same grip and same motion, but hold the barbell down behind you.

Front Shrug

Start: Grab the barbell with a full, overhand , shoulder-width grip, and stand with the bar at arm's length against your front thighs.

Finish: Shrug your shoulder straight up toward your ears, keeping your arms straight and your head still. Pause when your shoulders are as high as they can go, then slowly return to the starting position.

Overhead Shrug

Start: Load the bar with relatively light plates, and grab it with a full, overhand, shoulder-width grip. Stand, press it over your and hold it there with straight arms.

Finish: Shrug your shoulders up toward your ears. Pause, then slowly return to the starting position. It's a very short range of motion. If you can't feel your traps working at first. Try it again with a lighter weight. If it's too heavy, you won't get any range of motion.