Spotting Techniques and Guidelines for Weightlifting

Image of a personal trainer demonstation proper spotting technique.If you are a person fitness trainer, one of your responsibilities is to provide proper spotting to your client. You spotting techniques are important to insure the safety of your client. To avoid injury and possible legal action, you must adhere to safe spotting guidelines. Here's some general spotting guidelines you should follow.



  • Keep loose plates, barbells, dumbbells, and other equipment in their place and out of your client's way.


  • Be sure that you are strong enough to assist your client if needed. Some exercises, such as a back squat, may require more than one spotter.



  • Practice prevention. When spotting, keep your knees flexed, back in neutral alignment, and abdominals tight in case you have to suddenly assist.


  • Keep hands as close to the bar as possible without obstructing the movement of the bar. When assisting, use the appropriate closed grip for the lift.



  • Make sure the bar is evenly loaded; always use collars or clips.


  • Communicate with your client about how many more repetitions will be performed and whether or not you are going to assist.



  • Assist any time the predetermined movement speed decreases.

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