Bounding exercises exaggerate normal running stride to stress a specific aspect of the stride cycle. They are used to improve stride length and frequency, and typically are performed for distances greater than 30 meters. 

Alternate Bounding with Single Arm Action

Equipment: none


Jog into the start of the drill to increase forward momentum. As you jog, start the drill with the right foot forward and the left foot back.


This drill is simply an exaggerated running action. Push off with the left foot and bring the leg forward, with the knee ben and the thigh parallel to the ground. At the same time reach forward with the right arm. As the left leg comes through, the right leg extends back ad remains extended for the duration of the push-off Hold this extended stride for a brief time, then land on the left foot. The right leg then drives through to the front bent position, the left arm reaches forward, and the left leg extends back. Make each stride long, and try to cover as much distance as possible. 

Side Skipping with Big Arm Swing

Equipment: none


Stand with feet together


This exercise looks like a jumping jack. Slide step to the side, swinging the arms up and over the head. As you push to bring the feet together, the arms come back down and cross in front of the body. Keep performing this extended side step and arm swing for a prescribe distance (about 40 to 50 meters)


Equipment: none


Stand comfortably


Lift the right leg with the knee bent 90 degrees while lifting the left arm, with the elbows also bent 90 degrees. As these two limbs come back down, lift the opposite limbs with the same motion. For added difficulty, push off the ground for more upward extension.

Power skipping

Equipment: none


Stand comfortably.


Hold both arms out in front of you at shoulder height. Moving forward in a skipping motion, raise the leading knee to the chest, attempting to touch the foot with the hands. Repeat the motion with the opposite leg and continue skipping for the prescribed distance. 

Backward Skipping

Equipment: a mark 20 to 30 meters from the start


Stand on one foot.


Skip backward for 20 to 30 meters. Coordinate the arm swing with the skip to add to the backward propulsion. 



As pogo is for jumps, prancing is the beginning progression for bounding. Project the hips horizontally off a two-foot landing and takeoff. It is important to perform this drill with takeoffs and landings on both feet simultaneously.