Before you exercise, learn how to warm up.

Purpose of Warming Up Before Exercise

Warming up your body before exercising produces many benefits that can help a person achieve maximum value from physical activity. Here are the main purposes of warming up before you exercise.


1. Warming up with movement rehearsal, limbering and mild preparatory static stretches stimulates joint lubricant so muscles and joints are looser, lessening the risk of injury to your muscles, tendons and ligaments.

2. Warming up promotes nerve impulse conduction. Warming up increases performace in sports and athletic skills where efficient speed is required.

3. Warming up warms the heart and muscles, safely preparing them for more vigorous activity.

4. Warming up produces an increase rate of chemical reactions in the body. These reactions along with increased oxygen levels further speed up the quick production of energy.

5. Warming up raised blood flow to the muscles. Increased blood volume supplies muscles with needed oxygen and nutrients for maximum performance.


Good Warm Up Exercises before your Workout

Warm up exercises help increase the blood flow and muscle temperature. Both limbering and movement rehearsal exercises help prepare your body for more vigourous exercise by increasing the range of motino of the joint and its attachments, raising muscle and  body temperature, increasing circulation to the tissues surrounding the joints, and maximizing neuromuscular function.