Fitness articles submitted by a variety of weight loss and diet experts.  Learn how to lose weight, tone muscles, build muscles, and reach your goals.

Weight Loss Pills Can Become The Main Grounds for Death

Weight loss pills are very much risky for your health as it has many side effects that influence your health and it’s good to stay away from them. Weight loss pills are not so effective in lessening weight for the cause that after a short time they won’t assist in loosing the weight. What they do is lessen your appetite and with this your calorie in take also decreases. Your metabolism rate drops as soon as your calorie intake is declined. As the metabolism is condensed the weight loss holds back. So people who are utilizing Weight loss pills watch that there is a blockage in the decrease of weight as it was decreasing before. So the result of weight loss is merely for a short period of time.

Diet - Find a substitute

Another way to reduce fat is to substitute one food for another. For example, sour cream has 30 calories per tablespoon, whereas the same amount of plain low-fat yogurt has only 9 calories. A tablespoon of mayonnaise, made from oil and eggs, has 100 calories, whereas ketchup has 16 and mustard has 5. Lemon juice has 4 calories per tablespoon and soy sauce has 10. Keep these values in mind when you are thinking about dressings and toppings to add interest and flavor to food. Fish and meat come in a wide range from fatty to lean. Educate yourself about the per-serving calorie counts of these protein sources.

When it comes to fish, in general, the lighter the meat's color, the lower the fat contect.

Cod, flounder, and other white fish have 1 gram of fat per 4-ounce serving. The same amount of pale fish like catfish, pink salmon, and swordfish has 5 grams of fat. Dark fish like bluefish, red salmon, and mackerel have 16 grams of fat.

Choose oil-free versions

Dry-roasted nuts and water-packed tuna and other canned fish are obviously the way to go. A six-ounce can of chunk light tuna packed in water has 1.5 grams of fat and 150 calories; packed in oil, the count is 14 grams of fat and 275 calories, and that's after the oil has been drained away. After a while, you won't even like the taste of the oily kind.

Cook it right

The cooking method you choose can help reduce fat. Say good-bye to frying and sauteing. Gravies and sauces made from pan drippings are also taboo. You can steam, boil, or poach foods without adding fat. Baking or broiling over a rack allows fat to drip out of food and into a pan below it. Microwaving is a real boon, since the moisture in food does the cooking, requiring no added fat. Foods that can be eaten raw - especially vegetables - are crisp and delicious without added fat.

Buy yourself a steamer and heatproof rack. If you plan to use them in a microwave, get nonmetallic ones.

Pick complex carbohydrates

Carbohydrates have fewer than half the calories of fat. They also make you feel fuller. And it goes without saying that they are far healthier than fat.

A new way of thinking about this relies on something called calorie density. It's really just the same old idea that carbohydrates are higher in bulk than fats and-proteins. Three ounces of lettuce has 5 to 10 calories; 3 ounces of steak has about 200. Which has a greater calorie density? Good for you: You passed the math test.

Vegetables, fruits, and grains are all excellent sources of complex carbohydrates. They are low- or nonfat foods and can be prepared in many ways that require the addition of little or no fat.

The food pyramid recommends at least flve servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

Because these tend to be high-bulk, low­calorie foods, you'll do well to eat even more than that.

Grains and grain products are especially good choices for weight loss. They are low in fat and make you feel full.

Limit sweets

Sugar is a carbohydrate, but not the healthy kind. It is devoid of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. As a source of calories, it's really no bargain. Remember the position sugar and other sweets occupy on the food pyramid. As with fat, you can reduce sugar with a combination of strategies.

Try sugar substitutes: Within limits, aspartame and saccharin will help you satisfy your sweet tooth without adding calories. They should be used in moderation.

Have just a little: If you have a craving for sweets, eat only enough to satisfy the craving. Maybe just a morsel or a spoonful will do the trick. Stop after you've had a bit and ask yourself if it's enough.

Try something different: If you get most of your sweets in snacks and desserts, consider something salty or crunchy or delicious in another way. A few pretzels may be just as satisfying as a donut. A slice of melon might end the meal as nicely as a slice of pie.

If your morning cereal is packed with sugar, try a type with no sugar added and toss in a sliced banana or some raisins. This probably won't reduce your breakfast calories, but you'll be trading "empty sugar calories for calories that come with fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Remember that sugar goes under many names besides sucrose.

About the author:
Information packed E-Book and Bonus Recipe Books, offers the latest developments on holistic cures, practical nutrition tips, and useful information on weight loss, health problems and how to use Tahitian Noni Juice in preparing your meals.

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Weight Loss - Get Advice, Get Ideas

There is no single diet and exercise plan that is right for everyone. The food you eat and the kind of exercise you do are based on personal preferences. Still, it's a good idea to do some research and get as much information as is practical before you decide how you will go about losing weight. There are many sources of advice and ideas, some more reliable than others. Here's how to tell which to trust and which to take with a grain of salt or avoid altogether.

Diet Right For Weight Loss

Now that you know what doesn't work when it comes to weight loss, you're probably wondering what does. Quite simply, any diet you choose should be based on scientifically valid and healthy principles. In this chapter, I will lay out healthy diet principles and give you some real-life examples of how to put them into practice. Because the focus is on you - your eating habits, your goals, your weight loss - we'll end the chapter by revising your food diary based on what you've learned.

Weight Loss Exercise

Almost all people have risk with their stomachs when they are trying to drop weight. This is habitually the first place were a small number of additional pounds show up, and when you are losing, this is where the last few wayward pounds seem to live. Though you can do ab exercises to aid get free of your little potbelly, you still have to work on your diet. Though there are plenty of exercises that yearn for a particular part of the body, you still have to acquire free of the fat in that area in order for your rigid work to show up.