2 Best Hamstring Exercises using a Cable Machine

There are 2 of the best hamstring exercises you can do with cable machine.

Lying Leg Curls

Lie facedown on the pad, once again making sure your knees line up with the rotational axis of the machine. Set the leg pad so that it rests on the lower calves, just above the Achilles tendons. From there, hold onto the support handles as you use your hamstrings and calves to bring the weight up as close to your butt as possible. Be sure to avoid using momemtum by flinging the weight up, and keep your hips pressed down into the pad.

Seated Leg Curl

Sit on a seat, making sure your knees are lined up with the rotational axis of the machine. This time, though, the leg pad will be out in front of you, slightly higher than parallel to the ground. After adjusting the leg pad so that it hits you just above the Achilles tendons, on the lower part of your calves, lock yourself into place with the lap bar and curl the weights down until your feet get slightly behind your knees. Pause for a second and then return the weights to the starting position. 

Lying Leg Curls

Lie facedown on the pad, once again making sure your knees line up with the rotational axis of the machine. Set the leg pad so that it rests on the lower calves, just above the Achilles tendons. From there, hold onto the support handles as you use your hamstrings and calves to bring the weight up as close to your butt as possible. Be sure to avoid using momemtum by flinging the weight up, and keep your hips pressed down into the pad.

Seated Leg Curl

Sit on a seat, making sure your knees are lined up with the rotational axis of the machine. This time, though, the leg pad will be out in front of you, slightly higher than parallel to the ground. After adjusting the leg pad so that it hits you just above the Achilles tendons, on the lower part of your calves, lock yourself into place with the lap bar and curl the weights down until your feet get slightly behind your knees. Pause for a second and then return the weights to the starting position. 

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