Here's 2 ways to calculate your resting heart rate... and be accurate... Along with a printable resting heart rate chart.
A true resting heart rate is obtained first thing in the morning when the body is completely relaxed before getting out of bed. If you are in the gym, sit down and remain quiet for 5-10 minutes prior to the test.
Resting heart rate may be taken at the radial artery at the wrist for a full minute for 30 seconds then multiply this by two for the minute value. After you calculate your resting heart rate, use the chart to see your results.
When checking your heart rate, you must understand the correct technique to maintain accuracy. An inaccurate reading can affect the calculations of your target and maximum heart rate measurements. These measurements rely on the correct resting heart rate number. You may use the neck or wrist method to check your pulse.
Here's the 2 Testing methods:
Neck method:
1. Place your index and middle finger in the groove on the side of your throat pipe. Move your fingers slightly until you find a beat.
2. Once you located a beat, count the amount of beats for 15 seconds.
3. Multiply the number of beat per 15 seconds times four for your resting heart rate.
Wrist Method (Preferred method):
1. Place your middle and index fingertips on your opposite wrist, below the base of your thumb.
2. Count the beats for 60 seconds to find your resting pulse rate.
*Check the norms chart below:
Knowing your resting heart rate gives you a great ideal of your fitness level. A low resting heart rate usually indicates you are physically fit. A slower rate means your aerobic system may be more efficient.
In contrast, a high resting rate may indicate that you are not in shape. Your heart may have to work harder to pump blood and oxygen throughout the body. Because checking your resting bpm is not difficult once you learn the correct procedure. If you are not sure, a fitness professional or physician can give you an accurate reading.
If you want to measure your resting heart rate using cool technology...
Just pick up a Heart Rate Monitor Armband from Amazon...