Swiss Ball Alternation Curl

You can vary almost any curl by curling one arm at the time. Do the completed curl with one arm before starting the movement with the other arm.

Incline Bicep Curl

To shift more of the focus to the outer head of your biceps, do the curls while sitting back on an inclined bench. Start with the bench at about 75 degrees, and work your way down slowly. The more dramatic in the incline, the tougher it will be on your shoulders.

Seated Bicep Curls

Start: Sit up straight at the end of a bench. With an underhand grip, hold two dumbbells straight down, at arm's length.

Finish: Curl the weights toward your shoulders. Stop and squeeze when the dumbbells are 6 to 8 inches in front of your shoulders. Hold the contraction for a beat, then slowly return to the starting position. Don't lean back to help yourself lift more weight, and keep your upper arms against your sides throughout the exercises.


image of seated dumbbell bicep curl image of seated dumbbell bicep curl

Supinated Seated Curls

For a more forceful contraction that combines the biceps two major functions, start with your palms facing each other I the down position and rotate them as you curl so they face your shoulders at the top Rotate them back on the way down.

Standing Barbell Wrist Curl

Stand holding a barbell behind your back with your palms facing behind you. Begin by allowing the barbell to roll down into your fingertip and then reverse directions ad pull it back up as high as it can go without bending your arms. Pause, lower and repeat.