Rope Pull-Apart Curl

Muscles trained:  Brachioradialis, biceps

Stand in front of a cable station with a rope handle attached to a low pulley. Bend over and grab the weight. With your knees slightly bent and back straight, keep your upper arms still as you curl the weights up, pulling the handles apart as far as possible as you do. Pause when your hands are just outside your shoulder, then lower and repeat.

EZ Standing Curl

Using an EZ-curl bar eases the strain on your wrists and also increases the demand on your brachioradialis, which is another arm-flexor muscle.

Drag Curl

Start: Set up as you would for the standing curl

Finish: instead of curling the bar up, move your elbows up and back, letting the bar “drag” up the front of your body without ever quite touching your torso. Stop when your elbows are as high as they’ll go. Pause, then return to the starting position.


Narrow-Grip Standing Curl

Move your hands in to shoulder width or slightly closer to shift demand from the inner portion to the outer portion of the biceps.

Zottman Curl

Start: Position yourself as you would for a seated or standing curl: Hold two dumbbells straight down with an underhand grip.

Finish: Perform a standard curl. After squeezing your biceps at the top, turn the weight around so your palms face forward. Then lower the weights, taking care to resist gravity on the way down. At the bottom position, switch back to the original supinated grip.


image of zottman curl starting position images of zottman curl finish position