Fitness articles submitted by a variety of weight loss and diet experts.  Learn how to lose weight, tone muscles, build muscles, and reach your goals.

Golf Club Uses for the frustrated

Imaging if you have children that have become board with the high tech video games. These are the same games that create a little moving, couch-based life. Give them a Golf club each and many over ripe oranges and you have a source of free entertainment. On the side of caution, this idea would most likely be applied by a father, and could result in mess to clean up afterwards and possibly a screaming wife. Also should only be done outside.

Cat Teaching

If you have even owned a cat, you will know that at times, they like to please the owner be showing how they are a great hunter. This results in the loud meow and the discovery of a dead bird or mouse. In most cases, this would need the owner to handle the almost dead creature. Never again, now take that, Golf club and send the dying creature to its next life- by airmail!

Need the exercise- but can't afford Gym fees?

A golf club would also make an inexpensive weed wacker for your lawn and the process of removing weeds with your golf club can also act as your exercise for the day. It all rolls together into one nice little package if you really let your mind go. At the same time a firm Grip would be needed on the club.

Easy home Maintenance

You can use it to remove that nasty hornet's nest from under your roof although you may want to wear long sleeves for that. It can also be handy at removing icicles from your roof as well but this requires some caution if moving above the ground.

There are many users for that high priced set of clubs sitting in the back of the garage. Put them to use before your wife or partner decides they were a bad idea, and sells them to make room for other storage items.


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Helpful FREE articles plus information on golf  like how to choose Golf Clubs are available from

Pilates Equipment For Your Home

Pilates DVDs

One of the best ways to make sure you get a complete workout is to use a new piece of Pilates equipment -- an exercise DVD. Let a professional Pilates instructor, like Denise Austin, Ana Caban, Maggie Rhoades or Gaiam lead you through a world class workout that will leave you feeling lean and stretched tall. A DVD is a great starting point, if you are new to Pilates and don't have any fancy Pilates equipment. DVDs range in complexity from beginning mat workouts and workouts for people that are not flexible to Reformer advanced workouts that combine Pilates and yoga to give you the added benefits of both disciplines.

Stott Pilates Toning Ball

If Stott Pilates is your thing, get a super powered workout with a weighted toning ball. Add to the intensity of your workout and feel your core turn into a firm mass of hard muscle. The Stott Pilates Toning Ball DVD includes an amazing 88 minute video. If you can tough it through this video, you will attain maximal toning results in a minimum amount of time.

Spine Corrector Barrel

If you have room for this equipment in you household Pilates studio, you will be astounded at the way it makes you feel. Anyone with back problems will love the spine corrector barrel because it stretches out and lifts the individual vertebrae of the spine.

You should now realize that there are many different choices of Pilates Equipment for your household use. Find the right equipment for your usable space and you will be on your way to a long, lean toned body.


About the Author

Author Alex Craig can help you get in shape. For more information on selecting Pilates Equipment, or other Pilates related ideas, please visit

Choose a Linex Elliptical Trainer

You don't have to worry about incorporating other exercises into your workout for the upper body with a Linex elliptical trainer. A total body workout is always better that a workout that only works one part of your body.

This is also a great machine for anyone who does not have a lot of space at home. If you need something that is easy to put away then this is the perfect machine. A Linex elliptical trainer is smaller than most treadmills and certainly more compact than a bench press machine. Perfect for people who need to get the most out of their living space.

Building Muscle

A Linex elliptical trainer doesn't just give you a good cardio workout; you get some great resistance training with this machine. Building muscle and doing resistance workouts are always a good idea, as this will help you burn more calories even after you've finished working out. Resistance training also help to build bone density, something important for women who need to be vigilant against osteoporosis.

If you regularly use a treadmill then you know that this type of exercise often leaves you feeling sore, particularly in your joints. Using a elliptical trainer is a great way to have a low impact workout. Using this machine will allow you to burn the calories without stress to your joints. This is great for an older person or anyone with joint injuries.


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see our site for fitness elliptical trainers for older people choose a Linex elliptical trainer Plus learn about Why do you need an elliptical trainer

A Few Tips You Need To Know Before Purchasing Fitness Equipment

Choices Of Fitness Equipment

Along with eating healthy and drinking plenty of water, the best way to lose weight is by investing in some fitness equipment for your home, or getting a local gym membership. Fitness equipment is a great way to exercise because different machines and the like are designed to work out particular areas of your body. At the gym you might see a pull-up machine, a stationary biking machine, and a treadmill. All of these pieces of fitness equipment help you burn fat and keep it off with regular use.

If you are checking into toning up your upper body, I would advise buying a a set of weights or a pull-up machine like you've seen at your local gym. A set of weights is ideal as they're relatively small compared to nearly all other fitness equipment. Also, you are able to leave them sitting anyplace around your house in case you have the urge to workout. Doing a set number of pull-ups is one of the many prerequisites for becoming a Marine, so you can't fail with building up muscle in that manner. You are essentially doing the physical exercise used by the best of the best!

Is A Treadmill In Your Future?

The most common piece of fitness equipment you'll see in the average home is the treadmill. Treadmills are wonderful because they allow you to move around and get your heart rate up. This is known as cardio and is the #1 way to lose weight and get fit. Treadmills also have timers, speed adjusters, and some of the newer ones will actually show you what your heart rate is while you're running on them. The best part about treadmills is that they're great for the whole family. I would recommend a treadmill for any household.

All in all, there are a myriad of ways to lose weight using fitness equipment. The only downside that I can think of to investing in fitness equipment besides the cost (which you can't really complain about, since these are huge intricate machines), is finding room to fit them all in your home. A lot of fitness equipment can clutter up and this is especially bad when they're not even used anymore. It doesn't matter if it's a pull-up machine, dumbell, or treadmill - one or all will help you obtain your long desired goals of getting into shape.


About the Author

Author Alex Craig can help you get fit. For more information on choosing Fitness Equipment, or other fitness related ideas, please check out

P90X Results Answer The Question "Does P90X Work?

So many slick, professional-looking infomercials seem to offer the world - almost the impossible - only to disappoint. Many people who view the infomercial for the P90X understandably then, ask the same question - Does the P90X really work or is it just over-hyped?

The feedback from people who have purchased and used the P90X system however, should help you rest easier.

First, you can be assured that your package will be delivered.

Nobody makes off with your hard-earned cash. The company delivers what the infomercial promised.

Also, there is no excessive, environmentally unfriendly wrapping to "bulk up" the product. A compact package will be delivered, consisting of several DVDs and hard-copy manuals. The additional printed materials will help you to use the workout system effectively as well as quickly see optimum results by improving your diet.

Second, the video quality itself is very professional.

It is really not gimmicky or inferior in any way. Some people complain that Tony talks too much, the more so as your familiarity with the program increases. However there is a useful feature which will allow you to turn off the commentary and only hear instructions at the beginning of the exercise.

Third and very critical, the workouts themselves are effective when you work them faithfully.

You can be sure though, each P90X workout will stretch you. To be brutally honest, they are downright grueling.

This is not a lop-sided system that only pushes cardio, or just focuses on weight training. It is a well-developed, thorough program with a wide variety of routines - you are guaranteed not to be bored when working through the P90X System.

The consensus is then, Tony Horton's P90X Extreme Home Fitness System is a stimulating, tough workout system that is guaranteed to push you past your current fitness levels.

While there may be some obese individuals who have the gumption to stick with this grueling program long enough to see a favorable outcome, the P90 X will definitely push those who are already quite fit and want even better results, to that elusive level of fitness they are reaching for.

All in all, reviews including those at agree that, with persistence, the P90X routines will radically change your body and furthermore, they suggest that being dedicated to the P90X program will kick your fitness level up a couple of notches more effectively than anything else that is currently available.


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Read P90X Reviews, view what comes in the P90X system, see what others are experiencing and obtain some great deals on the P90X at