Ectomorph is a person with a naturally lean or slightly muscular and delicate body build. Many people would describe this type of person as slim or skinny. How many times have you seen that guy that eats like a pig but never gains weight? You often wonder, if I ate like that I would blow up like the goodyear blimp. You may be a big guy and wonder why every muscle fiber shows in his body when you workout twice as hard and struggle with your abs showing.
Here are some tips for a guy for different types of fitness goals.
Looking to add muscle:
Diet: Eat high protein and carb meals without too much junk. Quality meals
Workout: Your workout should include workouts where you are lifting heavier weights. 8-10 reps for 3 sets for example for each exercise. You need to make sure to get hypertrophy to gain muscle mass.
Looking to stay lean and cut
Diet: Stay around the recommended daily allowance for your height and weight. Make sure you eat enough calories so you can maintain your weight.
Workout: Lift challenging but weights where you are doing 12-15 reps to get your muscles to get stronger but lean. Make sure that you have good cardio routines as a part of your workout. You want to stay lean but muscular and strong.