Picture of forearm exercise for building mass.Add mass to your forearm area with these muscle building exercises. To build a complete and massive looking arms, you can leave out forearm exercises. To add mass to your forearms, you must train the main muscles in your forearms. The forearm extensors are on the outside of your forearm while the forearm flexors are on the inside of your forearm. The last muscles is the brachioradialis, found up around your elbow. 

Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curls

Sit on an exercise bench holding a pair of dumbbells in the neutral or hammer grip. Keeping your upper arms straight, curl the weights up until your hands are in front of your shoulders. 

Wrist Extension

Grab a barbell with an overhand, shoulder-width grip.

Kneel in front of a bench.

Place your forearms on the bench so that your palms are facing down and your hands are hanging off the bench.

Allow your wrists to bend forward from the weight the barbell.

Extend your wrists upward by raising the backs of your hands toward your body.

Reverse the movement to return to the starting position. 

Barbell Wrist Flexion

Sit and grasp bar with narrow to shoulder width overhand grip (palms up). Rest forearms on thighs with wrists just beyond knees holding barbell. (You can also rest forearms over bench as an alternative) In a controlled motion, curl wrists up toward forearms. Contract forearms fully, without compromising form. While maintaining the controlled motion, return barbell to starting position. Do not allow muscles to relax before next repetition.

Wrist Curls

Grab a barbell with an underhand, shoulder-width grip.

Kneel in front of a bench.

Place your forearms on the bench so that your palms are facing up and your hands are hanging off the bench.

Allow your wrists to bend backward from the weight of the barbell.

Curl your wrist upward by raising your palms toward your body.

Reverse the movement to return to the starting position. 

Dumbbell Wrist Flexion

Sit and grasp dumbbells with narrow to shoulder width overhand grip (palms up). Rest forearms on thighs with wrists just beyond knees holding dumbbells. (You can also rest forearms over bench as an alternative) In a controlled motion, curl wrists up toward forearms. Contract forearms fully, without compromising form. While maintaining the controlled motion, return dumbbells to starting position. Do not allow muscles to relax before next repetition.