Add mass to your tricep with these muscle building exercises.Add mass to your tricep with these muscle building exercises.


Since your tricep is ¾ of your arm muscles you can’t have massive arms without developing your tricep muscles. This muscle is a three-headed extensor muscle and works in opposition to the biceps to extend the lower arm and straighten the elbow. You can add mass to your triceps using a variety of equipment. Barbell, dumbbells and even your body weight may give you enough resistance for growth. Below are some great exercises you can do to add mass to your tricep in no time. These exercises allow you to add weight to help push your muscles to the limit. 


Cable Kickback

Grasp the rubber ball on the low-pulley cable and align your working-side shoulder with the weight stack. Bend over until your torso is almost parallel to the floor, raise your upper arm so it’s level with your torso and keep it presses against your side. Holding your upper arm in place, extend your elbow to move your forearm up and back. Squeeze he triceps at full-arm extension, then slowly lower to the start position. Repeat for reps, then switch arms. 

Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extension

Lie faceup on a flat bench and hold a pair of dumbbells at arm’s length straight above you. Keeping your elbows pulled together, lower the dumbbells slowly toward your forehead. When your elbows are slightly past 90 degrees, immediately press the weights back up to the start position by contracting your triceps. 

Triceps Pushdown

Triceps Pushdown

Exercise Data
Main Muscle Worked: Triceps
Other Muscles Worked: None
Equipment: Cable
Mechanics Type: Isolation

Close-Grip Bench Press

Position yourself as you would when benching, but grasp the bar (loaded with a lighter weight then you’d use for an normal bench) with your hands 6-12 inches apart. Lower the bar to your mid-to-lower chest, then press it back up explosively, keeping your elbows as close to your sides as possible.

Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Exercise Data
Main Muscle Worked: Triceps
Other Muscles Worked: None
Equipment: Dumbbell
Mechanics Type: Isolation