Great ab exercises you can do using a resistance band. Great ab exercises you can do using a resistance band.

Band Side Bends

Primary Muscle Group: Midsection

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise:  Rectus abdominis, Obliquus externus abdominis, Obliquus internus abdominis and Pyramidalis

Preparation: Attach the band to a sturdy object at floor level. You'll only need one end of the band, so take care that the other end is securely attached to the anchor point. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, keeping your abs tight. The band should come from the side you are working on. Grasp the handle with an overhand grip, hold your arm out straight and to the side at a 45-degree angle to your body. You should be feeling some resistance at this point.

Breathing: Breathe out as you laterally flex away from the anchor point and breathe in as you return to start position.

Execution: While holding your lower body still and your hips level, flex your midsection and lean away from the anchor point. Aim to touch your free hand on the side of your knee. Pause and straighten back up to standing position. After finishing all lateral bends, turn around and repeat for the other side. 

Comments: If you need more of a challenge step further away from the anchor point; if you need a bit less step closer to the anchor point.

Band Ultimate Tummy Trimmer

Primary Muscle Group: Core Muscles

Muscle groups worked in this exercise: Rectus Abdominus, Internal and External Obliques

Preparation: Lie on your back and bend your knees and place your feet on the floor about hip-width apart. Place the resistance band across both arches and lift your feet towards the ceiling. Hold onto the ends of the band with your hands.

Execution: Lift your upper body up so that your shoulder blades are just above the floor; inhale. Now, slowly lower your legs, exhaling and keeping your hands stationary stretching the band. Stop at the point that your lower back comes off the floor. Inhale as you rise to the starting position.

Comments: You'll really work your torso harder trying to remain stable with the use of the resistance band.

Weighted Sit Ups - With Bands

Weighted Sit Ups - With Bands

Exercise Data
Main Muscle Worked: Abdominals
Other Muscles Worked: None
Equipment: Other
Mechanics Type: Isolation

Band Kneeling Resisted Ab Curl

Primary Muscle Group: Midsection

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise: Rectus Abdominus, Obliquus externus abdominis, Obliquus internus abdominis and Pyramidalis

Preparation: Attach the band to a sturdy object at head height when standing. Kneel down with the band in front of you and grasp the handles with a palm-in grip and place them on either side of your head. Lean forward with your back parallel to the floor and elevate your buttocks away from your heels. Breathe out and flatten your abs as if pulling your belly button towards your spine and squeeze your abs so they are tight throughout the exercise.

Breathing: Breathe out as you roll your shoulders toward your pelvis and breathe in as you slowly roll back to start position.

Execution: Pull down against the band by rolling your shoulders towards your pelvis, elbows to thighs. Pause and then slowly uncurl while raising your shoulders until you are back to the start position.

Comments: Try to keep the angle in your hips and legs fixed throughout the entire range of motion so that the target muscles are not being assisted.