Fitness articles submitted by a variety of weight loss and diet experts.  Learn how to lose weight, tone muscles, build muscles, and reach your goals.

Aerobic Activities - Feel Free To Choose, Choose To Be Freed

Have you chosen one or more aerobic activities from the given list? Whichever you pick, you can rest assured that it will be extremely effective. Just follow the score sheet given at the end of this article.To summarise:

Yoga Types - Different Types of Yoga

There are different paths (margas) of yoga that can be taken in order to reunite with the divine energy.

An active person can realize his divinity through work and duty (Karma),
a religious person through devotion (Bhakti),
an intellectual person through knowledge (Jnana), and
a meditative/reflective person through Raja Yoga.

Fitness - The Power of Change

Can you do it? Can you bring about these healthful changes in your lifestyle? Of course you' can! What is change but reformation? And what does reformation lead to but growth? Indeed, even as we write reformation continues all around us - in Nature, economy, politics, and in thought. The entire concept of evolution hinges on change, Your body itself is a marvelous ever-cnanglng empty. As you create, see, near, touch, all those impulses are triggering billions of changing processes within you, The spirit of change is blended into your being. Yes, you have the great, priceless ability to bring about any change that betters your life. It is indisputable. It is written.

Fitness - Tune Yourself Into Mental Dynamics

You might ask, "what on earth is mental dynamics?" If you accept that every one of us has a limitless, inherent power, you will also accept that that mighty power will never be exploited or used unless you make it work for you. It is that immeasurable spirit of making it work that we term as mental dynamics.

Fitness - Hungry For What

Hunger pangs are difficult to resist, You have changed your lifestyle, you are into the new reality, you know you have undertaken the fitness journey to health. Yet, those hunger pangs, that craving, that feeling of emptiness does return occasionally. There is nothing wrong in giving in to them once in a while. Some fitness books even give you a splurge list where you can eat anything you want on a weekend and count your calories the rest of the week. We are not sure how effective this program is.