Fitness articles submitted by a variety of weight loss and diet experts.  Learn how to lose weight, tone muscles, build muscles, and reach your goals.

What is Chiropractic

Chiropractic - a term that derives from two ancient Greek words meaning "manually effective" - is technically described as "the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of conditions that affect the neuro-musculoskeletal system." Through a series of special examination and manipulative techniques, chiropractors can diagnose and treat numerous disorders associated with the nerves, muscles, bones, and joints of the body. The emphasis chiropractors put on the spine has led many people to believe that the therapy is useful only for treating back pain. In fact, skilled therapists can treat almost every structural problem from headaches to ankle problems.

Problems of the Muscles, Bones and Joint

The Structures that form the human frame are collectively known as the neuromusculoskeletal system. This is the largest system in the body, using the most energy and producing the most waste.

Home Remedies For Asthma

Go with the flow. The phrase peak flow refers to the total volume of air that you're able to exhale in one breath. Peak flow decreases shortly before an asthma attack. So by regularly monitoring your peak flow, you know in advance when symptoms are going to strike-and you have time to take steps to prevent them.

Herbal Medicines and Treatment For Back Problems

Back pain is the most common problem for the majority of the population. If back pain is unrelenting, unaffected by movement or accompanied with fever, malaise, reduced appetite, sudden weight loss, or severe headache (especially when accompanied by nausea and vomiting), medical treatment must be sought immediately. A medical doctor must always be consulted if the spine is damaged as a result of a fall or accident, if there is suspected fracture, or when there is serious illness, such as a heart attack.

Exercise And Yoga For Asthma


Give yourself a break -- or two. Dr. Firshein advises everyone with asthma to engage in regular moderate exercise. "It strengthens the lungs, which helps prevent asthma symptoms," he explains. He prefers what he calls pulsed exercise-brief work­outs with rest periods in between. The breaks help prevent exercise-induced asthma attacks. Dr. Firshein's exercise of choice is tennis, but he also swims and takes aerobics classes.