Fitness articles submitted by a variety of weight loss and diet experts.  Learn how to lose weight, tone muscles, build muscles, and reach your goals.

Your Fitness Milestones

Like finishing in the first five, most of us have exercised at least once in our lives. But like education, exercise too shows long-term benefits if one goes about it regularly, diligently. They say genius is 99 per cent perspiration. Fitness demands 100 per cent exercising effort and a complementary, committed lifestyle before you pluck the fruits of fitness.

Fitness - Don't Keep up with Yesterday

Some time ago, we met a fitness freak.. If the description suggests a woman who exercises all day long, forget it. She is a compulsive reader of fitness. Books, pamphlets, magazines - anything she can lay her hands upon. She never misses a single TV fitness programme. She has long, earnest conversations about calories and cholesterol with every doctor, dietician, and food-shop attendant she chances upon. One of her ambitions in life is to "chart out a programme" - columns giving advice on what she would eat and drink, what kind of exercises she would perform. When we bumped into her again, she said seriously, "I haven't started exercising because i haven't yet drawn up my chart." She, probably, never will.

Fitness - Rebuild Your Body Temple

The first tiny step is to rebuild our body temple. Strengthen those muscles that act as pillars. And we'll find the verses of our scriptures singing through us ­mantras to the god within us. The awakening of an energy that ripples through us. To banish the shadows. Or view them as friendly shaded spots.

How to Score Fitness Runs

Ashik Desai's Odyssey

You will find Ashik Desai's odyssey as remarkable as we do. Ashik was a sunny-natured boy enjoying all the luxuries offered by a well-to-do background. Suddenly, his father - a high-flying executive - was stricken by a progressive brain disease. Overnight, the family finances plummeted. His father resigned from his firm. His mother struggled in an underpaid job. And Ashik had to change schools. The sale of their family car came as another blow to the sensitive boy.

Fitness Cuts Down Fat Bills

Incidentally, fat grows more from underdoing than from overeating. Scientific studies at universities all over the world show that it is almost a universal phenomenon - most people, stout or slim, eat about the same quantities: between 2300 and 3000 calories per day. Significantly, the same studies concluded that fat people exercise much less than normal people.