Great and effective biceps exercises you can do using a dumbbell set.Great and effective biceps exercises you can do using a dumbbell set.

4 Top Bicep Exercises with Dumbbells

1. Standing dumbbell Curls

Grab a pair of dumbbells and let them hand at arm’s length next to your sides.

Turn your arms so that your palms face forward.

Without moving your upper arms, bend your elbows and curl the dumbbells as close to your shoulders as you can.

Pause, then slowly lower the weights back to the starting position.

Each time you return to the starting position, completely straighten your arms.

2. Barbell Hammer curls

Let the dumbbells hang at arm’s length at your sides, your palms facing each other.

Curl the dumbbells toward your shoulders.

3. Concentration Curl

Site at the end of an exercise bench holding a dumbbell at arm’s length between your thighs. With the back of your working arm resting against your inner thigh on that same side, lean forward at the waist ad brace yourself with your nonworking arm on your opposite thigh. Hold this position as you curl the weight up as high as you can toward your chest. Pause, lower, and repeat.

4. Dumbbell Preacher Curl

Sit on a preacher bench with it set so that the pad fits comfortably into your armpits with your arms extended and the backs of your elbows in contact with the pad. Curl both weights up to your shoulder. Start the exercise by lowering the weights down until your elbows are almost completely straight. Pause and then bring the weights back up to the starting position. Be careful not to allow your elbows to straighten out completely, as that may lead to injury.

Seated Dumbbell Biceps Curl

Muscles trained:  Biceps, forearms

Sit on an exercise bench holding a pair of dumbbells in your hand with a supinated grip. Keeping your upper arms perfectly still, curl the weight up until your palms are in front of your shoulders. Pause, lower, and repeat.

Seated Dumbbell Reverse Curl

Execute this the same way as the regular seated dumbbell bicep curl with one exception that you use a supinated grip throughout.

Incline Reverse Dumbbell Curl

Muscles trained:  Brachioradilalis, biceps

Execute the same way as a regular incline dumbbell curl, except use a pronated grip throughout.

Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curl

Muscles trained:  Brachioradilalis, biceps

Execute the same way you would as the seated dumbbell biceps curl, except with a neutral or hammer grip.

Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curl

Muscles trained:  Brachioradilalis, biceps

Execute the same way you would as the Incline Dumbbell Biceps Curl, except with a neutral or hammer grip.

Prone Dumbbell Curl

Muscles trained:  Biceps, forearms

Lie prone on an exercise bench holding a pair of dumbbells at arm's length beneath your shoulders. Keeping your upper arms still, curl the weights up until your palms are in front of your shoulders. Pause, lower, and repeat.

Incline Dumbbell Biceps Curls

Muscles trained:  Biceps, forearms

Lie back on an incline bench holding a pair of dumbbells in your hands at arm's length underneath your shoulders. Keeping your upper arms still, curl the weights up until your palms are in front of your shoulders. Pause, lower, and repeat. The angle of your bench will slightly increase the difficulty of the exercise.

Dumbbell Preacher Curl

Muscles trained:  Biceps, forearms

Sit on a preacher bench with it set so that the pad fits comfortably into your armpits with your arms extended and the backs of your elbows in contact with the pad. Curl both weights up to your shoulder. Start the exercise by lowering the weights down until your elbows are almost completely straight. Pause and then bring the weights back up to the starting position.

Seated Biceps Curl with Isometric Hold

Muscles trained:  Biceps, forearms

Execute this exercise the same way you would a regular Seated Dumbbell Biceps Curl, except start with one weight curled up to the halfway position with your forearm parallel to the floor. Hold that there as you then curl the other dumbbell through the full range of motion for the desire number of reps. After completing the last rep, lower the weight to the halfway position. Now curl the other arm for the same number of reps.

Zottman Curl

Start: Position yourself as you would for a seated or standing curl: Hold two dumbbells straight down with an underhand grip.

Finish: Perform a standard curl. After squeezing your biceps at the top, turn the weight around so your palms face forward. Then lower the weights, taking care to resist gravity on the way down. At the bottom position, switch back to the original supinated grip.

Hammer Curl

Start: Sitting or standing, hold a pair of dumbbells with a neutral grip and let them hang at arm's length.

Finish: Slowly curl the weights up toward your shoulders with changing your writ position. Keep your upper arms tucked against your sides throughout. This grip targets the outer head of the biceps, the brachialis, and the brachioradialis.

45-Degree Prone Curl

Start: Grab two dumbbells with an underhand grip and lean against a 45-degree incline bench with your arms hanging straight down.

Finish: Curl with weights straight up, keeping your upper arms perpendicular t the floor and your wrist in a fixed position.

Supinated Seated Curls

Start: Sit up straight at the end of a bench. With an underhand grip, hold two dumbbells straight down, at arm's length.

Finish: Curl the weights toward your shoulders. Stop and squeeze when the dumbbells are 6 o 8 inches in front of your shoulders. Hold the contraction for a beat, then slowly return to the starting position. Don't lean back to help yourself lift more weight, and keep your upper arms against your sides throughout the exercises.

For a more forceful contraction that combines the biceps two major functions, start with your palms facing each other I the down position and rotate them as you curl so they face your shoulders at the top Rotate them back on the way down.

Incline Curl

Start: Sit up straight at the end of a bench. With an underhand grip, hold two dumbbells straight down, at arm's length.

Finish: Curl the weights toward your shoulders. Stop and squeeze when the dumbbells are 6 o 8 inches in front of your shoulders. Hold the contraction for a beat, then slowly return to the starting position. Don't lean back to help yourself lift more weight, and keep your upper arms against your sides throughout the exercises.

To shift more of the focus to the outer head of your biceps, do the curls while sitting back on an inclined bench. Start with the bench at about 75 degrees, and work your way down slowly. The more dramatic in the incline, the tougher it will be on your shoulders.

Swiss-Ball Curls

Start: Sit up straight at the end of a bench. With an underhand grip, hold two dumbbells straight down, at arm's length.

Finish: Curl the weights toward your shoulders. Stop and squeeze when the dumbbells are 6 o 8 inches in front of your shoulders. Hold the contraction for a beat, then slowly return to the starting position. Don't lean back to help yourself lift more weight, and keep your upper arms against your sides throughout the exercises.

Sit on a ball as you perform a seated curl or any variation of it.

Swiss Ball Alternation Curl

Start: Sit up straight at the end of a bench. With an underhand grip, hold two dumbbells straight down, at arm's length.

Finish: Curl the weights toward your shoulders. Stop and squeeze when the dumbbells are 6 to 8 inches in front of your shoulders. Hold the contraction for a beat, then slowly return to the starting position. Don't lean back to help yourself lift more weight, and keep your upper arms against your sides throughout the exercises.

You can vary almost any curl by curling one arm at the time. Do the completed curl with one arm before starting the movement with the other arm.

Piston-Style Curl

Start: Sit up straight at the end of a bench. With an underhand grip, hold two dumbbells straight down, at arm's length.

Finish: Curl the weights toward your shoulders. Stop and squeeze when the dumbbells are 6 o 8 inches in front of your shoulders. Hold the contraction for a beat, then slowly return to the starting position. Don't lean back to help yourself lift more weight, and keep your upper arms against your sides throughout the exercises.

Curl one arm up as the other comes down.

Seated Curl with Static Hold

Start: Sit up straight at the end of a bench. With an underhand grip, hold two dumbbells straight down, at arm's length.

Finish: Curl the weights toward your shoulders. Stop and squeeze when the dumbbells are 6 o 8 inches in front of your shoulders. Hold the contraction for a beat, then slowly return to the starting position. Don't lean back to help yourself lift more weight, and keep your upper arms against your sides throughout the exercises.

Curl one dumbbell halfway up and leave it there as you do the entire set with your other arm. Then switch arms and do the same thing. The isometric hold in one bicep makes this one a killer.

Stand with your back against a wall while you perform the curls.

Swiss Ball Preacher Curl

Start: Place a pair of dumbbells on the floor in front of a ball. Kneel directly behind the ball, and drape your arms over it to grab the dumbbells in an underhand grip. Let your weight move back toward your heels as you brace your triceps on the ball, forearms down.

Finish: Keep your back straight as you curl the weights up until your forearms are just short of perpendicular to the floor.

Seated Dumbbell Preacher

Adjust pad/seat so arms are comfortably over pad. Sit on preacher bench in good body alignment (abs tight, chest up, back straight) with feet in comfortable position. Hold dumbbells (palm up). In a controlled motion, keeping upper arms (triceps) against pad, curl dumbbells up. Contract biceps fully, without compromising form. While maintaining the controlled motion, return dumbbells to starting position. Do not allow muscles to relax before next repetition. This exercise can also be done with alternating arms.

Incline Dumbbell Curl Alternating

Primary Muscle Group: Bicep

Muscle Groups Worked in This Exercise:  Bicep

Incline Dumbbell Curl

Sit in good body alignment (abs tight, chest up, back straight) with bench at 30 to 45 degree angle and feet in comfortable position. Relaxing arms at side, hold dumbbells (palms forward). In a controlled motion, keeping upper arm perpendicular to the floor, curl dumbbells up. Contract biceps fully, without compromising form. While maintaining the controlled motion, return dumbbells to starting position. Do not allow muscles to relax before next repetition. This exercise can also be done with alternating arms.

Dumbbell Reverse Curl

Stand in good body alignment (abs tight, chest up, back straight) with feet in comfortable position. Keeping arms at side, hold dumbbells (palms down). In a controlled motion, keeping upper arm perpendicular to the floor, curl dumbbells up. Contract biceps fully, without compromising form. While maintaining the controlled motion, return dumbbells to starting position. Do not allow muscles to relax before next repetition. This exercise can also be done with alternating arms.

Seated Dumbbell Curl

Seated Dumbbell Curl

Exercise Data
Main Muscle Worked: Biceps
Other Muscles Worked: None
Equipment: Dumbbell
Mechanics Type: Isolation